Coronapause Entry # 7 – Go Inside (Yourself)

18 Apr

So, there’s a new target date in my #Coronapause; May 15th. Governor Murphy has extended the New Jersey stay-at-home order until that date.

The situation here gets more and more real, or surreal as the case may be. My grandson’s paternal grandfather tested positive for COVID-19 three days ago. Three of my brother’s in-laws are sick, but do not meet the criteria for testing. Eight business clients have passed away due to Covid-19 or complications of having the virus. So lately it takes quite an effort to stay balanced.

I’d like to share with you a simple technique I use when I need to reset myself. I’ve been doing it more often lately. It provides sustenance through introspection that gets me through each day of my #Coronapause.

I combine my Kata-RX with a thought-provoking reading; a form of meditative koan, if you will. I find the combination of Kata and koan (or thought provoking concept) produces a far-reaching physical and mental experience. Now, you can too.

You can easily do this too by using the breathing and movement exercise I gave you in my Entry # 3: Sanchin (efficient breathing)
Simply select, a poem, a quote, or other thought you would like to contemplate and read through, then think about it as you perform the technique. After that you may wish to sit in quiet, seated meditation, called “Zazen” and deeply meditate on it. The result is not only refreshing, but also sustaining and nurturing.

Here’s one example using a quote from The Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo.

It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream:
When you have a nightmare,
you will wake up & tell yourself that
“It was only a dream.

I hope you enjoyed the within. Stay well, safe and healthy.

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Want more of my #Coronapause, Sanchin Kata or the other topics in this series? My entire first Kata-RX course, which includes all the topics in my #Coronapause series is available for FREE. You may enroll for FREE using this link to enroll in the E-Dojo, then select the first “Core Kata Course” for FREE! or access the online school here:

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