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An Esoteric Secret Disclosed – “Why now?”

15 May

It is moments like this that give me deep pause. 

Last night I had a deep, introspective Katannabis Session. This morning at 6:00 am, I went out on my deck and performed Sanchin-Dai Kata as a Blood Kata. Usually, I perform a full Kata-Rx (no cannabis entheogen). Most Wednesday’s (my sacred day) I am alone at home with only my dog, Maharet as a companion. I felt compelled to perform a Shugyo (intense, deep, prolonged) Katannabis session once alone. That session began at 8:30am.  It was during that session, which lasted about two hours, that I intuited a “compulsion” to immediately release a video of my Sanchin-Dai Kata and the majority of my personal prayers. Some of the prayers and breathing intonations are redacted as this is way beyond your present capabilities to understand. Still, for whatever reason, I was “pressed” into releasing the within video. I have no idea why and, frankly, would prefer not to. 

In any event, the video is of Sanchin-Dai Kata which I formulated to encompass the Sacred Trinity of Kata (Seienchin, Suparunpei & Sanchin, which are reflected in the Kata). This facilitates the ability of a non-martial artist to acquaint themselves with the possibility of Kata as a form of prayer and sacrifice. Know and understand clearly – this is what works for me. It may not work for you. It is a matter of introspection and faith which is a subjective relationship with the transcendent Divine. 

Again, the inspiration for all of this was when, a few years ago, I stumbled upon a translation of and ancient papyrus scroll – the Gospel of Mary, hidden in a desert cave, and written over two thousand years ago that contained – the word ——- KATA!

My obligation is now fulfilled (two more hours later after my session). Enjoy with caution, these are deep waters. 

What is Esoteric Kata?

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Esoteric Kiai: Internal Chanting – Ghost Hand Kata

20 Mar

In this next installment of my series on Esoteric Kiai, I would like to look at the chants that I use in my Esoteric Ghost Hand Kata. As with all my more advanced Esoteric Kata posts, my intention is to motivate you to create an Esoteric Kata program that works for YOU not copy what works for ME. As such, I will not make your learning process easy.

By way of background, I have two types of Esoteric Kiai. The first is an intonation that I use during the process of breathing. One syllable is intoned on the inhalation and the second syllable is intoned on the exhalation. I use this methodology in several Kata, including the Ghost Hand Kata. You may see this method of intoning in the Ghost Hand Kata using this convenient link: . 

The second type of Esoteric Kiai I use is a longer duration version, that involves mentally saying a chant, prayer, or affirmation. I have various methods that I use in the Kata in my Esoteric Kata syllabus. For example, you can see that methodology for the Seienchin Kata using this convenient link:

Turning to the Ghost Hand Kata, I am intrigued at how a very simple Kata has become so esoterically important. Having already disclosed my intonation used in the Kata, I will now turn to my chanting methodology. Again, as in the past, I will not be performing the Kata and spoon-feeding you my intonations and chants. You can; however, work to uncover it using the video as a guide.

Here are a few Ghost Hand Kata FREE resources which you may find useful:

The Ghost Hand Kata provides a very suitable basis for your exploration prayer and sacrifice within  Esoteric Kata (including the subset of Blood Kata  . )

I hope you will continue your exploration of Esoteric Kata. If you choose to do so, please proceed with a pure heart, clean spirit and open mind. Until the next submission, I remain,

  * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 26 – This One’s For Me

15 Mar

This is a very unusual post – the first of its kind. Let’s call it:

Esoteric Zanshin: Interpretation (a/k/a: What The Hell?).

You see in the past my major impetus for posting was to codify, memorialize, and document my experiments, methods and insights into Esoteric Kata and all its subsets. This is the first post in twenty years of this blog that I am posting for my own benefit. To help me understand what Esoteric Kata is revealing to me.  It is my Path – right now.

There are times that an Esoteric Kata session will simply blow you away. I had one such session that was, well, thought provoking, introspective and contextually a doozy. You see I have come to a crossroads. Not just any crossroads. According to my notes, I have been on this specific journey of the Path Of Blood Kata (a subset of Esoteric Kata) for exactly 168 days now. The cross roads that I have come to is the exact one that I envisioned – long before even day 1!!

Was it manifested? Bestowed by some Greater Power? Is it manufactured by the Matrix? Am I living a Dream, Nightmare or Vision (as in the Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo)? Did I see the future? Have I gone Bat-shit crazy? I really can’t fathom how the scenario I saw, desired, thought the best-case, etc, etc, etc has actually appeared.

I had utilized my nightly Katannabis Blood Kata ritual to try to work through and gain insights into this recent event that has “Path altering implications.” It was a productive session that led to many insights. 

The next day, as usual, I woke at 5:30 am. As my dog, Maharet, was going about her morning ablations, I reviewed my session notes (see above) from the prior evening. Maharet, fully ablated came inside to eat and, as is her desire at such times, go back to bed. I went outside to perform my morning Kata-Rx Blood Kata ritual. (See Endnote # 1)

It was a cool (43 degrees F), crisp, clean morning. As the sun had not yet risen, there were a few remaining stars in the cloudless morning sky. Disappointingly, my favorite, Orion constellation had moved on from last nights positions. Well, I’ll see my “friend” later, tonight as I perform Katannabis outside. Kata in such a robust setting was a welcome experience. 

As is my practice, I jotted down a few notes (naturally with my beloved fountain pens). I meditated and went inside to start my day. I wanted to codify and memorialize my thoughts from these last two sessions. Over my first cup of coffee (now about 10:00 am), I did so. I am at a good place as far as interpreting the insights, visions and interpretations from the path so far. I hope that throughout the day and during tonight’s Katannabis Blood Kata I will make even more head way. (See Endnote# 2) Maybe, I’ll even understand how I got to this exact crossroads and what it all means. The Path got me here. The Path will reveal what’s next.

You see the Esoteric Kata Path reveals itself not when you want or demand answers, but when the Path is ready to give you not an answer but the hint of one.

Until next time,


1. I perform my rituals in twelve hour intervals – nightly Katannabis Blood Kata Ritual (using the entheogen Cannabis with my Kata) starts around 6:30 pm and my morning Kata-Rx Blood Kata ritual (same as the evening but without the entheogen) starts around 6:00 am. Yeah, I know, not exactly twelve hours – Let’s see what you do at 5:30 am.

2. Prior to writing this post, I had set about handling the matter that arose yesterday morning. As is the case when one must conduct oneself while limited to this rudimentary physical existence, I “took matters into my own hands” as the skin-sacks of this world like to say (and even believe). In the process, I “stumbled upon” (more about that later) a cherished possession that I had misplaced. It is the dog collar of my beloved and departed Miko. Miko was with me for fifteen of the most arduous, challenging years of my life.

I had carried her collar with me by attaching it to my motorcycle.  When I traded it in for a new motorcycle seven months ago, I put the collar aside for safe keeping. And – naturally – misplaced it. Until now. Perhaps this is but one of the many signs that I have found along the Path.

At least Miko is with me once again.


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Ghost Hand Kata: Intonation & Visualization – Part 1

4 Mar

Kata is a visual, visceral experience. From day one of learning your first Kata sequence, you are taught to visualize during Kata. That which you initially visualize is your imaginary opponent. In this post, I would like to acquaint you to Esoteric Visualization. To do so, I will use perhaps the most esoteric of Kata, my Ghost Hand Kata. For those of you not familiar with my Ghost Hand meditative Kata, you can acquaint yourself with it using this link:

My Ghost Hand Kata is deceptively simple. Daily practice will allow you to personalize and develop its inner most hidden meditative secrets. It has the ability to become extremely personal to and ingrained within each individual performer. 

To enhance your Ghost Hand experience, you can add a meditative intonation and visualization. Intoning or chanting is very popular in Zazen, seated meditation. It is also an advanced component in all Esoteric Kata rituals, including, inter alia, Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata and cannabis), Blood Kata (Kata as prayer and sacrifice) and Kata-Rx for Wellness. For more on the topic of intonation, please use this convenient link:  .

Now, for the matter at hand, Ghost Hand Kata intonation & visualization:

In the video below, I will show you the sacred name I visualize and intone during the “Bridge Movement” of the Ghost Hand Kata. I will not give you the specific sound of the intonation. Frankly, you should research this on your own. My hope is that the video inspires you to identify and experiment with your won intonation and visualization.

Until next time, practice your Esoteric Kata with a pure heart, open mind and clean spirit. Until then, I remain,

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 25 – Blood Kata & Rosary Beads

21 Feb

I was raised Roman Catholic and therefore became familiar with the practice of using Rosary Beads to facilitate prayer and meditation. I have to admit that after completing the sacrament of Confirmation (sometime around 1976), my use of Rosary Beads ceased. Or, did it. 

My regular readers know that an integral part of my daily Esoteric Kata practice includes not only precursor Kata, the Sacred Trinity of Kata and Zazen, but also the unique Ghost Hand Kata. .

I was performing a highly advanced version of the Ghost Hand Kata . It occurred to me that what I was doing was akin to using Christian Rosary Beads to facilitate prayer. This struck me as profound. 

To help me better understand the similarity between the Rosary and Kata performed with a prayerful intention, I began to list a few common traits:

  • •Both involve combining mind, body and soul or spirit into one activity.
  • •Both are performed with Kime (mental & physical focus) and libidic energy, otherwise known as passion. Similar to the “Cry of the Soul.” (See Endnote # 2).
  • •There is a procedure, a series of independent “actions”, prayers that are linked into sequences. In the Rosary, these sequences are called “Decades” (See Endnote # 1). Taken together, the Decades form a cohesive whole. The cohesive whole is then capable of being reproduced by the performer. It is also capable of being transmitted, taught to another. It is also possible to be performed in a group. Again, all of the same is true of Kata.

I concluded my session and quietly sat with my dog, Maharet, looking out our bay window at the evening snowfall reflecting off house lights. It struck me that the analogy of the Rosary to the Ghost Hand Kata, actually extended to all Kata when performed specifically with the intention of prayer and sacrifice. I call this method of performing Kata “Blood Kata.” Please see: and .

This isn’t an article on the methodology of using the Rosary, so for those unfamiliar with the Rosary, I have placed a guide in Endnote # 1 which will acquaint you with same.

The concept of Kata as analogous to the Rosary is a matter that I hope to delve deeper into as I continue to explore my Esoteric Kata. As with other aspects of Esoteric Kata, I’ll post my continuing insights. In the meantime, continue your own Esoteric Kata journey with a pure heart, open mind and clean spirit. Until then, 

I remain,

  * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. The following guide was obtained form the US Conference Of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website:

The repetition in the Rosary is meant to lead one into restful and contemplative prayer related to each Mystery. The gentle repetition of the words helps us to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ’s spirit dwells.”


2. I derived the phrase “Cry of the Soul” from a book that I highly recommend to supplement your Esoteric Kata practice – “Psychic Self-Defense” by Dion Fortune, the nom-de-plume for Violet Mary Firth. The “Cry of the Soul” is described as: “(In) times of spiritual crisis, when the very self is being swept away, then it is that the cry of the soul is heard, and Something manifests out of the mists of the Unseen, manifests in a form that is comprehensible to the one who calls. Whether intense stress induces a temporary expansion of consciousness, a fugitive psychism, or whether a Being of its own volition passes through the veil and manifests, I do not know; there are never any details available of these incidents. They take place only in times of dire stress and go as swiftly as they came, leaving no trace except upon the soul.” Excerpt From: Fortune, Dion. “Psychic Self-Defense.” iBooks. 


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Ghost Hand Kata Update: Newest Variations

20 Nov

When I first envisioned the Ghost Hand Kata Ritual, I conceptualized two versions, the double hand version (My creation based on the original) and the single hand version (visualizing the double hand version). You can learn these two versions of the Ghost Hand Kata for FREE using this link .   Remember articles are posted in chronological order so please scroll down. In less than fifteen minutes you can add this deceptively easy technique to your meditation ritual.

At present, I practice four kata that are variations of the two kata. Here is my Ghost Hand Kata – Zazen section of my daily Katannabis Ritual.

First, the following comments applies to all four versions. This applies to all versions below: 

  • •There is a new form of visualization while breathing and chanting. I will hold this back for now. Utilization of this technique requires respect and care of use. It is not for the uninitiated;
  • •All utilize the ghost hand gaze . The last version does not;
  • •The visual background for gazing should remain the same. Perform all four versions consecutively in the same location.

Now, for the four versions.

  • •Single Hand Version, visualize the double hand version, performed standing with eyes open;
  • •Single Hand version, simply holding your hands in Gassho posture while visualizing the single hand version. Therefore, your hands never move. The entire Kata is in the mind. The kata is performed standing with eyes open;
  • •Sitting in Zazen with hands in zazen position, visualize the entire Kata as above. Note that visualization now must include the Gassho posture. Your eyes are open in ghost hand gaze;
  • •Repeat the above with eyes closed.

Here is a video on the four versions to facilitate your learning experience:

I have purposely omitted the specific breathing visualizations (other than the one described in the Single Ghost Hand Kata article) and internal chanting. These are powerful tools and frankly, beyond your mediation capabilities at this juncture. If; however, you feel ready, please message me through the comment section, I’ll forward you a test and see. Below is the double hand Version of the Ghost Hand Kata (filmed in Asbury Park, NJ)

This post is really about memorializing my experiments and experiences for posterity and not necessarily for teaching. My private note, journals and observations during my sessions may one day be freely released. Just not yet. And so, I remain,

  *.  (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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You Must Do These 3 Kata Everyday – Right Now!

18 Oct

This isn’t the way I planned on introducing you to my ‘Sacred Trinity” of Kata, but recent unsettling domestic and global events have moved up my time frame. So, let’s get into it.

Without rehashing all the gory details, the world, including the United States wherein I reside is in turmoil, chaos and war threatens. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit doomsday-ish. Based upon my own Esoteric Kata daily practice and online commentary and research, many spiritual leaders are warning of the need to fortify and prepare oneself not only physically, but mentally and spiritually for the chaos ahead. Being a martial artist, you may already have three of the most powerful tools at your disposal to do just that.

There are three very powerful Esoteric Kata in Karate-Do. They are so powerful that when I learned the last of the three, Sensei told me, “Never perform this Kata (Suparunpei) with an unclean spirit.” That was thirty-five years ago and I remember the comment and discussion as if it were yesterday. I call these three powerful esoteric kata, the “Sacred Trinity” of Kata.

If you know these three kata, you MUST start practicing them everyday. They are imbued with esoteric spiritual capabilities that will sustain and nurture you during the current and future chaotic and war-like events which seem to indicate an escalation. Many spiritual leaders are offering their insights into the coming days of turmoil, wars and other impediments to a peaceful existence. I’ll jump into the fray with Esoteric Kata advice – daily practice of the Sacred Trinity of Kata. In future posts, I’ll delve into the esoteric import of performing the Sacred Trinity of Kata daily. For now – start today!

My daily Katannabis Ritual Meditation session includes the Sacred Trinity Kata. Alternatively, I perform my Sanchin-Dai Kata as a substitute when necessary. I tend to practice the Sacred Trinity Kata, after performing five preliminary Kata, and in the following order: Seienchin, Suparunpei and Sanchin. I will elaborate further on the esoteric reasons for doing so in future articles. For now, again – start practicing the Sacred Trinity everyday. If you do not know all three Kata, do what you do know. As you practice, for now, simply open your heart. Seek guidance, wisdom, compassion and truth as you perform the Kata. If you are religious, you may silently add a prayer as you perform the Kata. I have done just that, in various forms with all three Kata. There are links below you can access for more. 

I will be posting articles and videos to assist you in the event that you do not know all three of the Sacred Trinity Kata. I have developed a full Kata to encapsulate the esoteric imports of each of the Sacred trinity Kata. I hope to have this available to you shortly. I will also post a link here to that future submission:

In the meantime, you should:

First, learn my FREE “Ghost-Hand Kata.” Based on a traditional esoteric meditation kata, lost in the Goju-Ryu archives of time, this Kata will help you understand the esoteric benefits of not only the Sacred Trinity of Kata, but Kata in general: Ghost hand learn for free.

Second, you should immediately supplement your daily efforts with the following. I wholeheartedly encourage you to become familiar with:

I’ll post future articles in the new “Sacred Trinity” category to the right of this page. Check back often. In closing, please perform the Sacred Trinity Kata daily with a pure heart and a clean spirit. You’ll thank me later. I remain,

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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#BNDChallenge – Module #2: Ghost Hand Kata Meditation

13 Jul

Now to the nuts and bolts of helping you along the path of meditation, step five, in the daily #BNDChallenge. (Remember to get your #BNDChallenge apparel at 15% off and sign up the for BND challenge using this link: ).

Trying to meditate ten to fifteen minutes may prove difficult and frustrating – even to those who already meditate. To bridge the gap towards meditation, I would suggest three distinct techniques, each for a period of five minutes.

This post will merely scratch the surface of each so as to get you started as quickly as possible. Future posts will build upon the cornerstones set in this post. 

The first technique is a Kata I call the Ghost-Hand Kata. 

It is simple to learn and quite fulfilling to perform each day. I already have the free resources on this website, so please use this link to the Ghost Hand Kata meditation posts:

I would recommend that you learn the Kata in a few sessions. Begin with the single hand version on your first day. Follow along with the video until you memorize the easy-to-do hand movements.

On the second day incorporate the double hand version and then the Gazing technique on the third. The Gazing Technique is extremely important for developing your meditation in the future. Once again, the gazing technique is extremely important. These links are always available, so don’t rush. Relax and enjoy.

The second technique is to incorporate Sanchin Kata.

This cornerstone will be set in the next module, which I have already posted (see the #BNDChallenge category to the right or search #BNDChallenge in the search tab.

The third technique is Zazen (seated meditation).

Generally the position for Zazen is to sit on a floor or mat with legs crossed, or in “Seize” posture as in the photo, hands relaxed and positioned in one of various ways atop your legs. Your back is straight, head-up, shoulders down. That’s fine, but don’t overburden yourself. Frankly, that position may not be comfortable for you. Sit comfortably, in a chair if necessary with hands relaxed, head-up and back straight to facilitate breathing. Breathe naturally in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Now, the proverbial “clear your mind of all external thoughts, think of your breathing, in – out, in – out.” Okay, not easy, so let’s do this. As you breathe, quiet your mind to all thoughts except the Ghost-hand module we did earlier. Direct your mind to what you perceived during your Boketto. Then direct it to recall the effect of your Ghost hands. Eventually, let your mind drift away to its own quiet place. Try to remain in Zazen for the full five minutes, even if your mind drifts. As we build the three modules, you will build upon your visualization repertoire.

Great! You just spent fifteen minutes in meditation! For today, step five of your #BNDchallenge complete – for today. Tomorrow, repeat.

I’ll be on the road shooting more photos and videos to help you with you daily meditation. Until then, I’m in the wind.

Again, to get your BNDChallenge apparel at 15% off and sign up the for BND challenge please use this link:

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque

Sensei John Szmitkowski

 * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Katannabis – Unique Ghost Hand Kata: Learn this powerful Kata for FREE

30 Jun

An integral part of my daily Kata-Rx for Wellness and Katannabis Ritual Meditation is my Ghost Hand Kata. The Ghost Hand Kata is a powerful mediative kata with ancient esoteric roots buried within old-school karate disciplines. It is deceptively easy to learn, difficult to master, but highly fulfilling. In this series of posts, I’ll teach you my Ghost Hand Kata meditation method. You can then perform the Ghost Hand Kata with or without the cannabis entheogen.

For your convenience, I’ll resource all posts here on this page. I recommend and encourage you to acquaint yourself with the Ghost Hand Kata in the order presented:

Learning syllabus:

I hope you enjoy experiencing and experimenting with the Ghost hand Kata. Until next time,

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Ghost Hand Kata: Single Hand Version (FREE)

30 Jun

Ghost Hand Kata – Movements (single hand version)

This post is a component of a series of posts forming a syllabus within which you can learn a unique, ancient meditative Kata. To view the entire syllabus and this posts place within it, please click the “Ghost Hand Kata” category on the right side of this page, or you may use this convenient link:

The predecessor of my Ghost Hand Kata is an esoteric, ancient, karate kata called the Gassho-No-Kata (note: this is a common name for various kata). It is named for the gassho hand position used in various Eastern forms of greeting and meditation. Thus, the name Gassho-no-Kata. (Note: there are different Kata with this name. The one I refer to is little known, old-school Goju-Ryu ancestry & is very rarely taught today).

Gassho-No-Kata, as well as my Ghost Hand, makes prominent use of the gassho hand position used by various meditative disciplines. A full discussion of the kata and the gassho posture is beyond the ken of this work. What is important is for me to acknowledge the basis upon which I built my Ghost Hand method. 

My Ghost Hand Kata is the result of – well, I really can’t pinpoint it. All I can say is for sometime I have been working on a project called my Kata Laboratory. (Link: ).   The overriding theme (and motto) of this project is to “Think – Sweat – Experiment” with Kata. That motto is my modus operandi for kata practice. One night while using the Gassho-No-Kata to clear my mind for practice. Bazinga! It hit me. I wondered what would happen if I added movement to the non-moving hand. 

Since the universe is essentially the balancing of opposites, I added an equal and opposite hand movement. The double handed version of the kata was born. More and more practice and “Think-Sweat-Experiment” caused me to return to the single handed, original version, but with the goal of imagining and visualize the stationary hand as moving as if the double version is being performed.

The result was startling and mind altering. Given the visualization technique, I called the kata the Ghost Hand Kata. The Ghost Hand Kata is performed in a relaxed standing position. Place your feet flat on the ground, slightly pressing them downward with your heels together and toes pointed about forty-five degrees to the side. Your knees should be slightly bent. You align your spine by rotating your hips down and outward (as if you are thrusting your hips forward). 

Before discussing the movements of the kata, I need to introduce you to a fundamental hand posture, the Gassho posture and a movement that repeatedly links all movements, I call the “Bridge” movement.

All movements, including these two postures are performed with relaxed breathing. You will breathe fully and naturally using deep abdominal breathing.

The Gassho posture is the basic posture of the Ghost Hand Kata. To achieve this posture, place your hands at your side, open them so your fingertips point down at the ground. Now raise them to the Gassho position described below. NOTE: There is a video for your learning convenience at the end of this post.

Gassho position. 

The Gassho position is the starting and ending position for all movements to follow. Palms gently touching, fingertips point up, at a distance of about six inches from the chest. Height is so fingertips in line with the bottom of your chin. Hand position should be comfortable.

The “Bridge” movement. 

This movement links all movements in the kata. From the Gassho posture, the hands remain gently touching and are drawn inward to the chest. The hands are then extended outward back to the Gassho posture.

Now for the hand movements. Here’s a quick overview of the movements (each movement is separated by the bridge movement.

  • •a bow;
  • •a opening double hand movement;
  • •three hand movements with the right hand;
  • •three hand movements with the left hand;
  • •a closing double hand movement
  • •a bow.

At this juncture, I’m only giving you only the most basic description of the hand movements. This is so you can concentrate on simply learning these movements. Your goal is to be able to perform them without thinking. In subsequent sections I’ll give you the more advanced process that accompany each movement. These advanced concepts include,  inter alia, the “Ghost-hand gaze”, efficient breathing, contraction and expansion of internal energy and, most importantly, the mental state and internal perception that must accompany the movements. These advanced concepts facilitate the mediative process of the Ghost Hand Kata. This will assist you in your exploration of both Katannabis and Esoteric Kata.

The Ghost-Hand Kata (single hand movements). 

All movements should be as if your hand is floating, almost moving on its own.

Stand with feet together, as described above. Lower your hands to your sides, fingertips pointing down. 

Raise your hands to the Gassho posture;

Perform the bridge movement;

Reach for the sky. With palms pressed together, bring your hands in to your chest extend your hands to the side rotating palms outwards to the side, raise your hands above your head, palms facing upwards (fingertips touching), lower your hands back to the Gassho position;

Perform the bridge movement (You will now perform the first of three hand movements with the right hand). 

NOTE: During the next three right side hand movements, the left hand remains stationary. The stationary hand will take on a greater role in the visualization process (the “Ghost-hand Gaze”).

Upwards float – Allow the right hand to slowly rise, as your right palm reaches the height of your left finger tips, rotate your right wrist upwards so that the right finger tips point down, extend upwards over your head until your right elbow is almost fully extended. Allow the right hand to fall downward to again press gently against the left palm in the Gassho position.

Perform the bridge movement;

Sidewards drift – Allow the right hand to rotate outward to the side, palm facing out, as if waving in a circular manner (note that when the hand is extended to the side, the finger tips point outward to the side, continue the rotation until the hand points down, palm out and fingertips point to the ground. Retrace the semi-circle you made with your hand until the right palm is again pressing against your left palm in the Gassho posture.

Perform the bridge movement;

Downward sink – Allow the right hand to drift downward towards your right hip, the fingertips face forward and the palm is flat facing the ground. Raise your right hand upward as if to return to the Gassho posture; however, your right palm faces upwards, fingertips out. Allow the right hand to drift out to the right side once fully extended rotate the palm so that it faces the front with fingertips pointing up. Bring the hand inwards to return to the Gassho position.

You will now perform the same three movements using the left hand. NOTE during these movements the right hand will remain in the gassho position.

  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • •Upwards float with the left hand;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • •Sideways Drift with the left hand;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • •Downward sink with the left hand;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • •Repeat the “Reach the sky” used to start the Ghost Hand kata;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • •Bow. Finished, but –

You can then again perform the Ghost hand kata as many times as you would like.

Closing Comments – practice recommendations

The movements of the kata are relatively simply. As such, you should commit them to memory relatively quickly. Once the movements are memorized, you must integrate the “Ghost Hand Gaze” as early in your training as is feasible. The gaze is an integral part of the advanced concepts and should be mastered as early on as you can.

Video of Single Version of the Ghost Hand Kata filmed in beautiful Cape Cod, MA

I hope you enjoy experiencing and experimenting with the Ghost hand Kata. Until next time,

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski


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Ghost Hand Kata: Double Hand Version (FREE)

30 Jun

Time to add another layer to your experiments and experiences with my Ghost hand Kata. In this post, I’ll introduce you to the Two-hand version of the Ghost hand Kata. This is an important step in your journey. It will help you add a very powerful layer of visualization into your practice. Let’s get started! This is part two of a class in the FREE Ghost Hand Meditation Kata, prior to starting this calls, please learn the single hand version using this convenient link:

Ghost Hand Kata – Movements (double hand version)

You may remember from the first course that the traditional Gassho-No-Kata was the inspiration for my Ghost Hand Kata. The double handed version of the Ghost Hand Kata is my personal mark on the traditional kata. After intensely practicing the kata, I began to “Think-Sweat-Experiment” ™ with it. 

During one session, it occurred to me that for anything to be in balance there is a point of equality between two otherwise opposing forces. Even physics recognizes that “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” It occurred to me to try moving the stationary hand in an opposite manner to that of the moving hand. Lo and behold, I liked the effect. Through further practice, analysis and introspection, not only was this kata born, but also my entire Kata-RX school.

All the way through the process of teaching you, from the first course, to this one and the next, I am taking you down the same path of discovery that I took.

The Ghost-Hand Kata (double hand movements) To assist you in the learning process, a video is posted at the end of this submission.

(Introductory Comments)

There are a few points I would ask you to keep in mind.

Remember: The hand movements are exactly the same as the single hand version, except that you will be moving both hands. Also, as in the single hand version, after moving the hands, they return to the Gassho posture and the Bridge Movement is performed. The name of each hand movement is the same as the single hand version. 

Even though you will be moving both hands, please think of the movements in terms of the single hand version. That is to say, the “Reach The Sky Movement” is followed by three movements with the right hand, three movements with the left hand and the closing “Reach The Sky Movement.” This will facilitate not only learning the new movements associated with these single movements but will also make for a smoother transition during the class on the Ghost Hand Kata perception and visualization.

For now, you will continue to use the Boketto gaze. After committing the hand movements to memory you can then proceed to the classes on the Ghost Hand Gaze and the class on perception and visualization.

(The double hand movements)

Stand with feet together as in the single version (heels touching, toes outward at a 45 degree angle).

  • •Begin the single hand version performing all movements through to the “Reach The sky” movement;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • Right hand upward float, simultaneously, perform a left hand downward sink;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • Right Hand sidewards drift; simultaneously perform a left hand sidewards drift; 
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • Right hand downward sink, simultaneously perform a left hand performs Upward Drift;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • Left hand upwards float, simultaneously performs a right hand downward sink. NOTE: This is an exact repeat of the last move;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • Left Hand sideways drift, simultaneously perform a right hand sidewards drift; 
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • Left hand downward sink, simultaneously perform a right hand upward float. NOTE: This is a repeat of the very first move.
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • •Perform the Reach The Sky Movement;
  • •Perform the bridge movement;
  • •Bow.

Here is a video of the Ghost Hand Kata (double hand version filmed at the Jersey Shore in beautiful Asbury Park, NJ:

Congratulations! You just performed the Ghost Hand Kata, double hand version!

A few closing comments.

First, it is worth repeating – even though you are moving both your hands, you should think in terms of performing three hand movements with the right hand and three hand movements with the left hand as in the single version.

Second, I very highly recommend that every time you practice the Ghost Hand Kata you first practice the double hand version and then the single hand.

Lastly, as you practice, please notice that there are now four movements that have the extra timing of “1,2,3,4” on the downward sink movements before the Bridge Movement. Thus, there are only two movements, the sideways drift, where the hands finish the movement, touch back to the Gassho Posture and immediately perform the Bridge Movement. This phenomenon will be important in the perception and visualization class. For that reason I would like you to simply recognize i now.

See you in the next class!

I hope you enjoy experiencing and experimenting with the Ghost hand Kata. Until next time,

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque * 

Sensei John Szmitkowski

 *(with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Ghost Hand Kata: The Ghost Hand Gaze (V.I.P.)

30 Jun

The Ghost Hand Gaze 

The Ghost Hand Gaze is extremely important to the meditative mental process of the kata. Without it, the Ghost Hand Kata is but a series of mere physical movements. The Ghost Hand Gaze is the cornerstone for the visual-perceptive technique described in the next class. Therefore, you must strive to integrate it into the kata as soon as possible. 

The Ghost Hand Gaze takes Boketto a step further. Both the Ghost Hand Gaze and Boketto require an “unclouded” mind, one where your mind is not active. You do not think extraneous thoughts. You do not analyze or define that which you are gazing at. You do not allow you mind to wonder. It is not focused on thinking about or processing what it sees. The mind is attuned to the gazing. 

It is important to note that the Ghost Hand Gaze is only used in the Ghost Hand Kata. An entirely different technique and state-of-mind is used in other Kata. 

Once again, the techniques I show you cannot simply be read in a book and contemplated. They are dynamic, you must perform and experience them. So, how do you perform the Ghost Hand Gaze? 

To Enter Into The Ghost Hand Gaze 

I base the Ghost Hand Gaze on a very simple anatomical fact – the human eye has a relatively limited depth of field. Simply put, there is only so much three dimensional depth that the human eye can see clearly. So, to start, place your hands in the Gassho Posture. Now, 

  • Focus directly on your hands. Notice how defined they are. You can easily see all the details of your skin, the lines of your hands and fingers and so forth. Simply put they are physical – they are solid; 
  • Now, while keeping your hands in place and still keeping your gaze on your hands, shift your focus to a point beyond your hands. Personally, I tend to keep my a Gassho Posture at a height where my fingertips are about as high as the bottom of my chin. So when I shift my focus, I shift it on an angle that is down at outward from my hands. 
  • Notice when you shift your gaze in the manner, your hands become transparent – you can see right through them loosing all detail. It is as if you have, well – Ghost Hands!
    You may not get this shift of focal point on the first try, repeat the above process and try again. If you have difficulty then you may try by reversing the process as follows, 
  • Keep your hands at your side; 
  • Start by focusing your vision on a point on the ground about seven to eight feet in front of you. Notice all the details, is the point covered in grass, dirt, snow, etc, 
  • Now, without changing your either your gaze or your focus, simply bring your hands up in front of you in the Gassho Posture – but do not look at them, keep looking at the spot on the ground. Your hands should appear transparent, again, Ghost Hands. 

Using the Ghost Hand Gaze in the Kata 

Regardless of whether you are performing the double hand Ghost Hand Kata version, the single hand version, or a combination, you have two methods of entering into the Ghost Hand Gaze, the “entry-level” method and a more advanced method. Either method works; however, I personally find that when you can easily shift focal points so you smoothly go in and out of the Ghost Hand Gaze, the more advanced method is more fulfilling. 

Please note that for this class and the class on the Ghost Hands Kata perception, I highly recommend and encourage you to always perform the double hand version immediately followed by the single hand version. Better still is to perform the double hand version and single hand version of the Ghost Hand immediately followed by Sanchin Kata (thus you perform one-half of the 1 Day / 1 Lifetime Kata) 

Entry-level method: 

The entry level method shifts focal points when your hands are stationary in the Gassho Posture. As your hands are stationary, it allows you more time to properly adjust your focal point and depth of field to get the transparency of your hands correct. It is for this reason that when you first practice the kata using the gaze, I recommend the entry-level method. To perform the entry- level method: 

  • You raise your hands into the Gassho Posture and perform the Bridge Movement. If you choose to do so, you bow, if not, skip this step and the next one; 
  • You again perform the Bridge Movement and return the hands to the Gassho Posture, 
  • In the Gassho Posture, you shift your focal point to a distant point so that your hands become transparent ghost hands – you have entered into the Ghost Hand Gaze. 
  • Once you achieve this result do not change your focal point through the rest of the Ghost Hand Kata – double hand version then single hand.
    • If you are distracted, simply keep you hands in the Gassho Posture, reacquire the Ghost Hand Gaze and continue.
    Once you become proficient with the entry level means of entering into the Ghost Hand Gaze, you may wish to try the advanced method described below. It is not necessary however, as long as you enter into the Ghost Hand Gaze and maintain the Gaze throughout the kata you will experience the necessary perception.

Advanced Method:

The advanced version of entering the gaze is immediate. There isn’t time to smoothly shift your focal point until you get it right. It literally happens in the blink of an eye. This is because you enter the gaze as your hands are moving. Let me show you how this works: 
• To start you simply enter into your Boketto gaze as you begin your Ghost Hand Kata until you have your hands in the Gassho Posture and are about to perform the “Reach The Sky” movement. Now, 

  • Still in Boketto, begin to perform the Reach The Sky movement until your hands are above your head with fingertips touching, now 
  • Begin to lower your hands so as to return to the gassho position, as your hands are lowering, change your focal point so that as your hands touch in the Gassho posture they are transparent Ghost Hands. 
  • Again, you will maintain the Ghost Hand Gaze through the kata. 

Effect Of The Ghost Hand Gaze
The Ghost Hand Gaze helps to facilitate a transition in your mind from experiencing a world that is entirely physical to begin to experience a world that is non-physical – a world that exists solely in your mind. This experience transition is achieved through the combination of the Ghost Hand Gaze and the shift of visualization and perception that I’ll show you in the next class. However, the transition starts with the Ghost Hand Gaze. Without the effect of making your hands trans- parent, the perception altering technique will have no effect. The effect being a reset of your mindfulness. That is to say that existing in a day-to-day physical world has dilatory effect on your body and spirit (or mind). To mitigate this effect and feel rejuvenated, refreshed or rested, you need to escape the physicalness into a non-physical (mind created) experience. Again, the Ghost Hand Gaze is the starting point. 

Practice Requirement For The Kata 

Until you become proficient at BOTH the Ghost Hand Gaze and the visualization and perception technique of the next class I ask that you always perform the both the double version and the single version of the Ghost Hand Kata.

Double Hand Version versus Single Hand Version 

There are a few reasons why I encourage you to perform the Ghost Hand Kata as above. The first reason is readily apparent. By practicing the double hand version and then the single hand ver- sion together you will imprint the double hand movements in your mind. This will be of great val- ue when you take the class on perception. 

The second reason is not so apparent – yet. Though I am sure that with continued practice, you will discover the second reason by yourself, I would feel remiss if I did not touch upon it. Notice the effect of the Ghost Hand Gaze as you perform the two versions of the kata. As you practice, be aware of the gaze as you go from the double hand version to the single hand. You will notice that in the single hand version you have one hand that remains transparent through all six movements of the kata after and before the two Reach The Sky Movements. This is because in the single hand version you will have a non-moving hand to gaze through. As both hands move in the double version you do not experience this transparent hand phenomenon as much. In the double hand version the transparency of your hands is only apparent when are hands are in the Gassho Posture for brief periods of time and perhaps during the Bridge Movement. 

So, by doing the double hand version first and then the single hand you are in effect preparing your brain to accept the non-physicalness of your hand through the transparency. You are also taking a big step forward for the perception and visualization class. 

I hope you enjoy experiencing and experimenting with the Ghost hand Kata. Until next time,

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque  *

Sensei John Szmitkowski

*  (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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