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An Esoteric Secret Disclosed – “Why now?”

15 May

It is moments like this that give me deep pause. 

Last night I had a deep, introspective Katannabis Session. This morning at 6:00 am, I went out on my deck and performed Sanchin-Dai Kata as a Blood Kata. Usually, I perform a full Kata-Rx (no cannabis entheogen). Most Wednesday’s (my sacred day) I am alone at home with only my dog, Maharet as a companion. I felt compelled to perform a Shugyo (intense, deep, prolonged) Katannabis session once alone. That session began at 8:30am.  It was during that session, which lasted about two hours, that I intuited a “compulsion” to immediately release a video of my Sanchin-Dai Kata and the majority of my personal prayers. Some of the prayers and breathing intonations are redacted as this is way beyond your present capabilities to understand. Still, for whatever reason, I was “pressed” into releasing the within video. I have no idea why and, frankly, would prefer not to. 

In any event, the video is of Sanchin-Dai Kata which I formulated to encompass the Sacred Trinity of Kata (Seienchin, Suparunpei & Sanchin, which are reflected in the Kata). This facilitates the ability of a non-martial artist to acquaint themselves with the possibility of Kata as a form of prayer and sacrifice. Know and understand clearly – this is what works for me. It may not work for you. It is a matter of introspection and faith which is a subjective relationship with the transcendent Divine. 

Again, the inspiration for all of this was when, a few years ago, I stumbled upon a translation of and ancient papyrus scroll – the Gospel of Mary, hidden in a desert cave, and written over two thousand years ago that contained – the word ——- KATA!

My obligation is now fulfilled (two more hours later after my session). Enjoy with caution, these are deep waters. 

What is Esoteric Kata?

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Suparunpei Kata – Esoteric Mandala Concepts

23 Apr

If it bleeds, It can be killed. If it has no body, it can be banished.” – Sensei Seikichi Toguchi

Not a quote that you would expect from an indigenous karate master. Mention “There is no first attack in karate”, “Kata begins and ends with respect” and similar adages and everyone’s on board the train. Talk about banishing non-physical entities and, well, people kind of stare up at the ceiling wondering, “How to I gracefully exit this conversation?” For those readers looking for the exit, read endnote # 1 then, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Can you handle this?” If not, leave, in fact, “Get out – Now.”

During a recent Katannabis Blood Kata session, I felt persuaded to release my personal notes on the more advanced esoteric concepts of the mandala sections of Suparunpei Kata. These very powerful mandala form an integral component of my Sanchin-dai Kata. It is this powerful section of Suaprunpei that combines with the esoteric aspects of Seienchin Kata and Sanchin Kata (my Sacred Trinity of Kata) that gives experiential “life” to Sensei Toguchi’s words.

I fully realize that I now sound like every other spiritual-huckster out there trying to sell you something for a buck. But – what I offer is free – there is no motive. In fact trust me – I do not want to release this information. It took me fifty-three years to accumulate it – and – I am still working and experimenting with it. But, after an intense Katannabis Blood Kata meditation session, it was “intuited” to me that I should do so and do so now. So I feel compelled to do so.

Having said that, you can view the video. I did not make it easy – good luck. And, yeah – be careful!

I hope you will continue your exploration of Esoteric Kata. If you choose to do so, please proceed with a pure heart, clean spirit and open mind. Until the next submission, I remain,


1. “When a researcher gets to a certain point, they tend to realize that some information and studies surpass the understanding of the intellect alone but rather sequesters the heart to comprehend such mysteries of which the mind is unwilling.” Commentary in the Book of Enoch, Jay Winter, Ibooks. 

For an additional hint at the origin of my esoteric Blood Kata meditation, please use this convent link:


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How to Practice, Study & Engage In Esoteric Kata

18 Apr

I had finished my nightly Katannabis session and was quietly reading one of the three books I currently had in rotation. Having divergent tastes in reading material, I usually have two or three, sometimes four books that I would be reading in a rotation. The Goodreads website tells me I average fifty books a year, hell, you don’t do that reading one book at a time.

I had just finished reading Book Five, Chapter Six of the Book Of Enoch and was reading the introduction to the next chapter. The following passage resonated with me.

“It would appear that whoever the scribe or group of people who stored away these scrolls, intended them for safe keeping as they represent a body of knowledge that has, curiously enough, been largely fought since their inception.”

“When a researcher gets to a certain point they tend to realize that some information and studies surpass the understanding of the intellect alone but rather sequesters the heart to comprehend such mysteries of which the mind is unwilling.” (My emphasis) Winter, Jay. “The Complete Book of Enoch: Standard English Version.” Winter Publications, 2016-01-09. iBooks. 

Wow! Did this resonate. It struck a cord and encapsulated my meditative experience with Esoteric Kata in general and my Blood Kata Ritual (using both Kata-Rx and Katannabis practices). It also serves as advise as to how you should approach to your study of Esoteric Kata in general and specifically the Blood Kata ritual.

If you are on your own Esoteric Kata Path, continue with a pure heart, open mind and clean spirit. Perform your Kata, read, research, meditate and evaluate – discover! Keep the above in your consciousness at all times – there are mysteries which the intellect (alone) maybe unwilling to unravel and acknowledge. Use, in the words of the ancients, your Gnosis.


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Blood Kata Path – My First Blood Kata Sacrifice

10 Apr

The question has been presented –

How the hell did I come up with the concept of Blood Kata? 

When was my first blood sacrifice?

For those not in the know, my Blood Kata Ritual combines Esoteric Kata, either by way of Kata-Rx or Katannabis Meditation with prayer (as YOU define it) and sacrifice (the Kata energy being the sacrifice). You may access posts in this category with this link, (posts are in latest first, so please scroll down to the beginning):

In response to the question, here’s the short, sweet, and nasty behind it – and yeah it starts off like a cheap pulp fiction novel. It was a dark, stormy night – oops, correction – it was a dark, tempestuous time in my life. Physically, mentally, emotionally the Darkness was almost, but not quite, omnipresent. Now, I have no idea why, but during a rather deep, introspective Katannabis mediation session (Katannabis = Kata combined with cannabis as a meditative entheogen), I questioned. I vented. I was mired in the dark quagmire. And – perhaps – as in the Words of Dion Fortune, I emitted the “Cry of the Soul” (see Endnote # 1). 

I received an answer. More accurately, an answer was intuited to me. It came from somewhere. It led me to a translation of an ancient text – a 2000+ years old papyrus found near Akhmim in upper Egypt! I began to research the papyrus, its translations and commentaries. I found a text which contained photos of the actual papyrus along side the translations. 

Don’t believe me? Here – see for your self:

Now, ask yourself:

  • •What is the Aramaic word written as “Kata” doing in a 2000+ year old manuscript?
  • •How can this discovery benefit you in a positive and profound way?
  • •Are you even astute enough to appreciate any of this?

As to the answers, that is not for me to say. I am only “compelled” or urged to share what is shared herein. Good luck.

If you are on the path of knowledge and have embarked on a personal, introspective Esoteric Kata journey, go forth boldly, but cautiously with a pure heart, clean spirit and open mind.  


1. “In times of spiritual crisis, when the very self is being swept away, then it is that the Cry Of The Soul is heard, and Something manifests out of the mists of the Unseen, manifests in a form that is comprehensible to the one who calls. Whether intense stress induces a temporary expansion of consciousness, a fugitive psychism, or whether a Being of its own volition passes through the veil and manifests, I do not know; there are never any details available of these incidents. They take place only in times of dire stress and go as swiftly as they came, leaving no trace except upon the soul.” (My emphasis) – Excerpt From: Fortune, Dion. “Psychic Self-Defense.” iBooks. 

I highly recommend this book!!


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Esoteric Kiai: Internal Chanting – Seienchin Kata

20 Mar

Those readers that are familiar with my practice of Esoteric Kata know that my daily Esoteric Kata session is composed of two parts. The first part being the precursor to the Esoteric component of the session. This first part includes five Kata that are meant to cultivate and manipulate internal bio-energy. As a martial artist, you are already familiar with internal bio-energy. Depending on your discipline, you may call this energy, Ki, Chi, Prana, Kundalini or other term. As an esoteric practitioner, I call this energy, Libidic Energy. This is the energy that is cultivated during the first part of an Esoteric Kata session.

The second part of my Esoteric Kata session includes spiritually charged kata. These Kata are (what I call) the “Sacred Trinity of Kata” (Seienchin Kata, Suparunpei Kata and Sanchin Kata) and two Kata of my own creation – the Sanchin-Dai Kata (Great Three Battle Kata) and the Ghost Hand Kata (all four variations). Finally, the session concludes with zazen, seated meditation.

It is during the second, Esoteric component of my session that I incorporate various chants, affirmations and prayer into my Kata. In the forthcoming video series I will divulge some of my personal techniques. These Esoteric Kiai, chants, affirmations and prayers, help foster the transition of Kata from the physical to the esoteric. As the first Esoteric Kata that I perform in this component of my session is Seienchin Kata, I will begin with the chanting I developed for it.

The video below will acquaint you with the Esoteric Kiai that I intone during my practice of Esoteric Seienchin Kata. I put the exact phrasing into photographs of my notes within the video. You will have to pause the video and then either screenshot the images or copy them by hand. I do not desire to make this easy for you. I worked over 53 years on this information. It will not be spooned to you. Further, it is NOT all of my technique. Frankly, you are not fully ready for that knowledge. Additionally, I think it prudent of me to hold back such information and only share those deepest secrets in person with an eligible candidate.

I hope you enjoyed the video. You should use it NOT to copy me but to inspire you to explore the concept of Esoteric Kiai in you personal Esoteric Kata practice. Here are a few links to supplement your esoteric research into Seienchin Kata:

Until the next submission, I remain, 

*(with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Esoteric Kiai: Internal Chanting- Sanchin Kata

20 Mar

In this installment of my series on Esoteric Kiai, I would like to look at the chants that I use in the Esoteric Sanchin Kata. As with all my more advanced Esoteric Kata posts, my intention is to motivate you to create an Esoteric Kata program that works for YOU not copy what works for ME. As such, I will not make your learning process easy.

Sanchin Kata is the preeminent Kata of Karate. If you accept my premise that Zazen, seated meditation is the “Big-Bang” (as in Big bang theory of the Universe) of all Kata. Then Sanchin Kata is the first emanation from the Big Bang from which all other Kata emanated.

Sanchin is a powerful Kata that in my opinion, anybody, anywhere, any time should perform regardless of whether or not they study karate. Esoterically speaking, as discussed in the video, Sanchin Kata is not a Kata to be trifled with.

As with all videos in this series, I do not provide you with a move-by-move account of my technique. Rather I give you access to my notes, via J-pegs incorporated into the video to motivate you to explore your own Esoteric Kata methodology. I will; however, give you one hint. The chant I use in Sanchin is derived from a very unusual source – Dante Aligheri. That serves as a reminder that your chant can come from any source that has significance for YOU. In fact, I urge you to esoterically adopt the motto of my Kata Lab to you esoteric practice – namely – “Think * Sweat * Experiment with your (Esoteric) Kata. 

Enjoy the class video (Please see Endnote # 1 for an interesting commentary):

Here are a few Sanchin Kata links to help you along the way:

I hope you will continue your exploration of Esoteric Kata. If you choose to do so, please proceed with a pure heart, clean spirit and open mind. Until the next submission, I remain,

  * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. A word about my shirt in the video.

The shirt commemorates the inaugural motorcycle ride in honor of my dear friend and karate-do comrade, shihan Wayne Norlander, who passed away May 18th, 2011. I miss not only the nights at the Dojo with Sensei Wayne, but also riding motorcycles, and generally hanging-out. Both during life and after his death, he has a great impact. See, for example,


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 26 – This One’s For Me

15 Mar

This is a very unusual post – the first of its kind. Let’s call it:

Esoteric Zanshin: Interpretation (a/k/a: What The Hell?).

You see in the past my major impetus for posting was to codify, memorialize, and document my experiments, methods and insights into Esoteric Kata and all its subsets. This is the first post in twenty years of this blog that I am posting for my own benefit. To help me understand what Esoteric Kata is revealing to me.  It is my Path – right now.

There are times that an Esoteric Kata session will simply blow you away. I had one such session that was, well, thought provoking, introspective and contextually a doozy. You see I have come to a crossroads. Not just any crossroads. According to my notes, I have been on this specific journey of the Path Of Blood Kata (a subset of Esoteric Kata) for exactly 168 days now. The cross roads that I have come to is the exact one that I envisioned – long before even day 1!!

Was it manifested? Bestowed by some Greater Power? Is it manufactured by the Matrix? Am I living a Dream, Nightmare or Vision (as in the Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo)? Did I see the future? Have I gone Bat-shit crazy? I really can’t fathom how the scenario I saw, desired, thought the best-case, etc, etc, etc has actually appeared.

I had utilized my nightly Katannabis Blood Kata ritual to try to work through and gain insights into this recent event that has “Path altering implications.” It was a productive session that led to many insights. 

The next day, as usual, I woke at 5:30 am. As my dog, Maharet, was going about her morning ablations, I reviewed my session notes (see above) from the prior evening. Maharet, fully ablated came inside to eat and, as is her desire at such times, go back to bed. I went outside to perform my morning Kata-Rx Blood Kata ritual. (See Endnote # 1)

It was a cool (43 degrees F), crisp, clean morning. As the sun had not yet risen, there were a few remaining stars in the cloudless morning sky. Disappointingly, my favorite, Orion constellation had moved on from last nights positions. Well, I’ll see my “friend” later, tonight as I perform Katannabis outside. Kata in such a robust setting was a welcome experience. 

As is my practice, I jotted down a few notes (naturally with my beloved fountain pens). I meditated and went inside to start my day. I wanted to codify and memorialize my thoughts from these last two sessions. Over my first cup of coffee (now about 10:00 am), I did so. I am at a good place as far as interpreting the insights, visions and interpretations from the path so far. I hope that throughout the day and during tonight’s Katannabis Blood Kata I will make even more head way. (See Endnote# 2) Maybe, I’ll even understand how I got to this exact crossroads and what it all means. The Path got me here. The Path will reveal what’s next.

You see the Esoteric Kata Path reveals itself not when you want or demand answers, but when the Path is ready to give you not an answer but the hint of one.

Until next time,


1. I perform my rituals in twelve hour intervals – nightly Katannabis Blood Kata Ritual (using the entheogen Cannabis with my Kata) starts around 6:30 pm and my morning Kata-Rx Blood Kata ritual (same as the evening but without the entheogen) starts around 6:00 am. Yeah, I know, not exactly twelve hours – Let’s see what you do at 5:30 am.

2. Prior to writing this post, I had set about handling the matter that arose yesterday morning. As is the case when one must conduct oneself while limited to this rudimentary physical existence, I “took matters into my own hands” as the skin-sacks of this world like to say (and even believe). In the process, I “stumbled upon” (more about that later) a cherished possession that I had misplaced. It is the dog collar of my beloved and departed Miko. Miko was with me for fifteen of the most arduous, challenging years of my life.

I had carried her collar with me by attaching it to my motorcycle.  When I traded it in for a new motorcycle seven months ago, I put the collar aside for safe keeping. And – naturally – misplaced it. Until now. Perhaps this is but one of the many signs that I have found along the Path.

At least Miko is with me once again.


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Esoteric Kata: Esoteric Kiai: Breath & Intonation – Introduction & Ananku & Seipai Kata Intonations

14 Feb

 One of the most interesting and fulfilling means of experiencing Esoteric Kata is to incorporate both prayer and the element of sacrifice into your Esoteric Kata session. This applies equally to the subsets of Esoteric Kata, namely Kata-Rx for Wellness, Katannabis Meditation(the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx and cannabis), and Blood Kata Ritual.

Introduction to Esoteric Kiai

Read on and use this video to supplement your introduction to this topic:

One of the most fundamental methods of incorporating the concepts of prayer and sacrifice into your Esoteric Kata practice is to use your breath to intone a sacred word or phase. Yes, it is that simple. With the process of inhalation and exhalation you can, and should, intone a word, sound or phrase that has sacred meaning to you. Those last two word, “to you” are very important. What you intone must be sacred to you the practitioner. The class videos below will disclose my intonation for both inhalation and exhalation.

 In developing my own Esoteric Kata session, I tried intoning various “accepted” words and sounds. The one that is perhaps the most popular intonation for meditation is the sound “Ohm.” This sound did nothing for me. After much practice and research. Yes, you must do your won research. In fact, this research often is outside of the bounds of the martial arts. In my research I discovered an ancient name for the Creator. I found this name to easily be intoned during a kata performance. I am not going to give you this ancient name – however, the video contained on this page contains a hint. You want an answer? Do your own research, you’ll find it. 

One point before I present this class video. Intonation does not, and cannot, be performed on each and every breath within any specific kata. Think of the intonation as a kiai. You do not kiai on every movement within a kata. While it is true that each kata contains a proscribed kiai – one that is taught to occur at a given point in the kata. My sensei had also taught that a kata kiai can occur at any point where you, the performer, feels it should naturally occur. The same is true with the intonation. It is for this reason that I call this intonation of a sacred word or sound, the Esoteric Kiai (Esoteric “Spirit-yell” – see again endnote # 1 as to cry of the soul).

Within my Esoteric Kata Syllabus, this use of Esoteric Kiai begins with the second syzygy of Kata, namely Ananku and Seipai Kata. (See Endnote # 2). The video below, which is the first video in this “Esoteric Kiai” series is below. It shows the intonation I use during Ananku and Seipai Kata. It does not give you the sound of the intonation, but does provide an esoteric hint. In the next post  I’ll continue with the intonation used in my Sacred Trinity Of Kata. Enjoy the video and if you’re going to try to find my exact intonation – happy hunting.

Esoteric Kiai for Kata Syzygy # 2 – Ananku Kata & Sepia Kata

Ananku Kata:

Seipai Kata:

Until the next time, I remain,

 * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


 1. There is one more introductory comment that I believe needs to be made as to the prayer itself. The prayer, or more succinctly, the words themselves and their origin are not supremely important. By this I mean that a Christian prayer is not more effective that an Islamic prayer or a Hebrew prayer. I believe that what is more important than the words is the emotion, the passion, the libidic energy, the Kime (as in the focus of the Kata). Without that, your prayer is merely words. Without the passion and emotion, your words can never enter the realm of prayer and sacrifice. It is what Dion Fortune, in her work, Psychic Self-defense called the “Cry of the Soul.”

This utter lack of passion, libidic energy is the problem I have with most prayerful and sacrificial events in modern times. For example, most Sunday church goers are content to simply throw a few dollars into the collection plate without any passion, or emotion, let alone letting their “Souls cry.” 

 2. My Esoteric Kata session begins with the Transformation Phase wherein I perform Kunchaba Kata. It then progresses to the first Syzygy of Kata, the Initiation Phase wherein I perform Fuku and Gekisai Kata. I then perform the second Syzygy of Kata as above and then either the Sacred Trinity of Kata or Sanchin-dai Kata, then the four versions of the Ghost Hand Kata and finally Zazen.  Naturally after the second syzygy, the intonation increases. 


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Modify Your Esoteric Kata To Enhance The Mandala Effect

31 Jan

The shift in purpose of Kata from marital to esoteric may require slight modification to the traditional kata. Such modification aids the paradigm shift. I had previously disclosed one such modification to the opening movement and timing of the opening sequence of Fuku and Gekisai Kata. You may use this convenient link to access that article:

Another modification was to add an extra sequence to the endings of Fuku, Gekisai, Ananku and Seipai Kata. The additional sequence is composed of two mawashi-uke taken from the first mandala of either Suparunpei Kata or my Sanchin-Dai Kata. (See endnote # 1) The modification also adjusts the direction of the mawashi-uke to correspond to its equivalent in the mandala. 

You can view this video to see the exact mechanics of the additional mawaski-uke and coordination with the cardinal compass points of the first and second mandala of either Suparunpei or Sanchin-Dai Kata.

The effect of this modification is to allocate the components of mandala number one equally amongst four kata. Thus each cardinal compass point of the mandala has an entire kata devoted to it. The effect of this is to add Kime, libidic energy, to the sequences. This charging of Kime then comes into play when you perform either Suparunpei Kata (as part of the Sacred Trinity of Kata) or Sanchin-Dai Kata.

Until the next time, I hope you enjoy this post and encourage you to learn my FREE esoteric Sanchin-Dai Kata (See endnote # 1) and FREE Ghost Hand Kata using this link:


  1. You may learn my Sanchin-Dai Kata which encompasses the salient esoteric sequences of Seienchin, Suparunpei and Sanchin Kata and is therefore a substitute for the Sacred Trinity of Kata, for FREE using this convenient link: . 

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Esoteric Sacred Trinity of Kata: Charge-up your internal energy

18 Jan

The Sacred Trinity of Kata, Seienchin Kata, Suparunpei Kata and Sanchin Kata, is highly charged with spiritual energy. The same is true of my Sanchin-Dai Kata. As you perform these Kata you both expel energy into and receive energy from the universal environment. (See Endnote # 1) These energies take many forms. Some are energy frequencies, electro-magnetic waves, vibrations and atomic particles are all energetically charged. Therefore, it is important that you charge yourself energetically before performing either the Esoteric Sacred Trinity Of Kata or Sanchin-Dai Kata.  This is accomplished through Kime. Kime is the internal and external focus that is normally exhibited during a kata performance. 

 In Esoteric Kata terms, Kime is the energetic passion, also called libidic energy that ignites and expands the inner most aspects of the human psyche and sub-conscious. This energy is primal, raw and limitless. It is, in the words of Dion Fortune, the “Cry of the Soul.” (See Endnote # 2). Kime is expressed through physical means, such a Kata.

In order to achieve the Esoteric meditative and vision-quest effects of the Sacred Trinity of Kata, your libidic energy must be fully activated and flowing throughout your body. Ultimately it is expressed from the confines of the body via the movements of the Kata. This expression of libidic energy can be either passive or active. The more common form of expression is active. In active expression, the libidic energy that is produced within the body is forcefully ejaculated from the body during the Kata. This forceful expression of Kime is manifested during the hard, swift, forceful movements of Kata. In passive expression, the external environment extracts the libidic energy from the Kata performance. This passive extraction of energy by the external forces is akin to a harvest; the energy is “picked” from the Kata performance. This harvesting of energy occur s during slow, methodic, dynamically tensed Kata movements. Such movements are usually paired with deep, exaggerated abdominal breathing. 

Kata that have mixed movements combining forceful energetic movements and those performed slowly with dynamic tension provide the most complete expression of libidic energy. During the performance of the fast, powerful movements, libidic energy, Kime, is ejaculated into the external universe. Whereas during the slow, deep, dynamically tensed movements, the external universe passively harvests the energy.

The three Kata of the Sacred Trinity of Kata, by design, maximize the exchange of energies. I intentionally incorporated this energy exchange into the Sanchin-Dai Kata. It is for this reason that before beginning either the Sacred Trinity Of Kata or Sanchin-Dai Kata,  you must have your libidic energy at fully capacity. By way of example, prior to my daily performance of the Sacred Trinity Of Kata, I perform the following Kata (in the following order): Kunchaba Kata, Fuku Kata, Gekisai Kata, Ananku Kata and Seipai Kata. These Kata, grouped into three sub-categories, form the energy foundation upon which I build my performance of the Sacred Trinity Kata. 

The culmination of this energy exchange is the harmonizing, or blending of the energies that occurs during post-session Zazen, seated meditation. With the body and mind at rest, the energies blend and reform from their pre-Esoteric Kata session form to their new, post session forms.

I highly recommend that you perform either the Sacred Trinity of Kata or the Sanchin-Dai Kata each and every day. By performing energy building kata prior to this performance, you will have a more satisfying and fulfilling esoteric experience. 

Until next time I remain, 

 * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. You may wish to familiarize yourself with the Internal Factors affecting Kata,   and the External Factors affecting Kata, .

2. “ . . . in the times of spiritual crisis, when the very self is being swept away, then it is that the cry of the Soul is heard, and Something manifests out of the mists of the Unseen, manifests in a form that is comprehensible to the one who calls.” Psychic Self-Defense, Dion Fortune, I-Book, Chapter XX: Methods Of Defense. 


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Sanchin-Dai Kata Learn For Free – Lesson Four: Advanced Mandala Module (3 Mandala)

3 Jan

  Now, let’s turn to the mechanics of incorporating the second and third mandala of Suparunpei Kata into your Sanchin-dai Kata. Using the video below, you can see that the second mandala is connected to the first mandala by the three transition movements of mawashi-uke performed in a cat stance, as shown in the end of the mandala one video and again below.

Mandala number 2 is performed in the same directions as mandala number one. It consists of:

  • •A closed fist mawashi-uke in a left sanchin stance;
  • •A step to a right Sanchin stance with a right low block and a left groin punch executed on top of the low block;
  • •Both step above are executed with full Kime (focus)

Mandala number 3 is performed on the angles that bisect the cardinal compass points of Mandala number one and number two. It consist of:

  • •A side stance with a left middle block and right hand in a fist by your solar plexus. Note the fists are all Ippon-ken, one knuckle fist;
  • •A hook stance, opening the left hand as if to grab, and a right vertical Nippon-ken punch to the solar plexus;
  • •A side stance with two low blocks with soft deep abdominal breathing and modest dynamic tension.

For ease in learning, I have the following diagram of the movement sequences, it assumes you started facing the “North” cardinal compass point.

One last point as to the mandala of Suparunpei Kata, and by reference, my Sanchin-dai Kata. This is an introductory “How-to” article. It is one small step towards the “Mandala rabbit hole.”  The mandala are very powerful aspects of both Kata. They are imbued with profound esoteric energy which is merged with your own Kime (energy) of the Kata performance. In fact, the mandala should be performed according to very specific, esoterically charged directions. Let me give you a hint – Although the video references a “North-facing” starting point, from a esoteric standpoint, Sanchin-dai is best performed while facing East so as to properly align the mandala. For that matter, Suparunpei Kata, from which the mandala where taken, is also best to perform by starting facing the East. Yeah, it is that specific. These discussions are beyond the ken of this “How-to” article. Until then, I remain,

  * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Here is a video of Suparunpei Kata in the Atlantic Ocean on Cape Cod, MA:


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Sanchin-Dai Kata Learn For Free – Lesson Three: Sanchin Module

3 Jan

Sanchin-Dai embodies the principle characteristics and components of each of the three individual kata that make up the Sacred Trinity. The Sanchin-Dai Kata utilizes the Sacred Trinity in the following order: Seienchin Kata, Suparunpei Kata (mandala section) and Sanchin Kata. It is therefore, a condensed version of the three kata.

Esoteric Sanchin-dai Kata begins with the esoteric path of Seienchin Kata. It then proceeds to the mandala module of Suparunpei Kata. If you do not know either Kata, you may use this link to learn the mandala section: .

Sanchin-dai Kata concludes with the last three moves of Sanchin Kata with and an added Mawashi-uke at the end (Similar to mandala number one). If Sanchin Kata is not in your kata repertoire, then you can learn my version in the video below. Note that the video starts from the transition posture after the mandala module using one mandala. The transition portion for the full three mandala module appears at the end of the video.

You have now completed my Sanchin-Dai Kata using the one mandala version. You can now add in the second and third mandal for a more complete esoteric experience. 

A “Two-for-one” video of the full Sanchin-Dai Kata ( 1 Mandala version ) for the tutorial on the 3 mandala version (Lesson Four), please see the page-tab on the right for Sacred Trinity. After the recent death of my father and previously my father and younger brother, it was left to me to manage the estates which included selling the house we all lived in since 1974. I performed a cleansing kata for the buyer and performed the single mandala version of the Sanchin-Dai Kata for your use and also as an additional cleansing kata. Enjoy but pardon the emptiness of the environment.

One final word. After I conclude either the Sacred Trinity of Kata or the Sanchin-dai Kata, I perform the Ghost Hand Kata and sit in Zazen. You can learn more about my Ghost Hand Kata using this convenient link: . .

I remain

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Here’s an enjoyable Sanchin Kata video while riding my motorcycle in Arizona, enjoy:


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Sanchin-Dai Kata – Learn For Free Lesson Two: Suparunpei: The Mandala # 1 Module

3 Jan

  Sanchin-Dai embodies the principle characteristics and components of each of the three individual kata that make up the Sacred Trinity. The Sanchin-Dai Kata utilizes the Sacred Trinity in the following order: Seienchin Kata, Suparunpei Kata (mandala section) and Sanchin Kata (last three steps). It is therefore a condensed version of the three kata.

Esoteric Sanchin-dai Kata begins with the esoteric path of Seienchin Kata. If you know Seienchin Kata, then you begin with the first three side stance movements of Seienchin. If you do not know Seienchin Kata, you can learn these three movements using this convenient link: Module 1: Seienchin – The “Path”:

 The middle section of Sanchin-dai Kata utilizes the mandala section of Suparunpei Kata. In Suparunpei Kata (Pechurin Kata in the native language of Okinawa), there are three overt mandala and one covert mandala. To facilitate your ease of learning my Sanchin-dai Kata, I have two formats of the Kata. The first version incorporates one mandala from Suparunpei. This is the introductory version. It’s purpose is to allow you to begin performing Sanchin-Dai Kata each and every day as soon as possible. You then have a solid foundation to build upon and add the next two mandala. 

Now, let’s turn to the mechanics of incorporating the first mandala of Suparunpei Kata into your Sanchin-dai Kata. Using the video below, you can see that the mandala is connected to the path of Seienchin Kata by a simple transition movement, also from Suparunpei Kata, The mandala is composed to two performances of mawashi-uke (roundhouse block) derived not only from Suparunpei Kata, but is found within many Kata, including the seminole Katie – Sanchin Kata. The two mawashi-uke are then performed in each direction of the compass, in a prescribed order. Thus the overall movement is performed four times. 

One last point as to the mandala of Suparunpei Kata, and by reference, my Sanchin-dai Kata. This is an introductory “How-to” article. It is one small step towards the “Mandala rabbit hole.”  The mandala are very powerful aspects of both Kata. They are imbued with profound esoteric energy which is merged with your own Kime (energy) of the Kata performance. In fact, the mandala should be performed according to very specific, esoterically charged directions. Let me give you a hint – Although the video references a “North-facing” starting point, from a esoteric standpoint, Sanchin-dai is best performed while facing East so as to properly align the mandala. For that matter, Suparunpei Kata, from which the mandala where taken, is also best to perform by starting facing the East. Yeah, it is that specific. These discussions are beyond the ken of this “How-to” article. Until then, I remain,

  * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Here is a video of Suparunpei in a beautiful Cape Cod, MA setting:


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Sanchin-Dai Kata Learn For Free – Lesson One: Seienchin – The Path Module

3 Jan

  There are many aspects to each of the component Kata of the Sacred Trinity. So much so that choosing one aspect of each Kata to incorporate into the Sanchin-Dai Kata was not an easy process. First, I had to decide the esoteric objective of Sanchin-Dai. The next step was to find the components of the underlying Sacred Trinity Kata that would build to a crescendo whereby that objective was met. So far, I am satisfied with the results. Bear in mind; however, that any Kata process is always evolving. What is satisfying today is potentially lacking tomorrow. Now, let us turn to your learning my Sanchin-Dai Kata.

 Seienchin Kata has many esoteric attributes. The one I chose for my Sanchin-Dai Kata is the “Path” of Seienchin. (See endnote # 1 for another important martial and esoteric attribute). This path serves both a martial and esoteric purpose. The path is best described by the translation of Seienchin that is, “To walk far to quell and conquer.” The path of Seienchin is embodied in the three opening side stance movements of the Kata. 

 The Path that requires you to 1: walk far, 2: quell, and 3: conquer,  squarely fits within the goals of Esoteric Kata.  It symbolizes the start of the esoteric path. Such a path is long, even arduous. The difficulties of the path are manifested within this section of Seienchin Kata. Seienchin relies heavily on the side stance. This stance makes use of the muscles of the legs and thighs. It symbolizes the overcoming of discomforts that one will find on the esoteric path. This stance also grounds the practitioner to the Earth. This is of great esoteric importance. I will have more on this in future articles.

If you know Seienchin Kata, then you can use the first three side stance movements to begin your Sanchin-Dai Kata. You can then progress to add the transition move shown in the video and then the full Suparunpei mandala module. If you do not know Seienchin Kata, you can use this video as a resource to learn the three moves.

A brief word about the Seienchin kata shown in the video. As with all kata, Seienchin kata is subject to stylistic and interpretive variations. Naturally, this is also true of the version presented herein. This version is the one that I learned in or around 1976 and is found in the Goshin-Do Karate style founded by Hanshi Frank Van Lenten and taught to me under the stewardship of Shihan Thomas DeFelice. In the event that this forma does not suit your needs you can search online for other variations that fill your personal needs. (See endnote # 2 for a full version of Seienchin Kata amongst the wild horse herd of Tonto National Forest, Arizona).

When you are comfortable with the movements of the Seienchin module, you can then proceed to add in the next two modules of the Sanchin-Dai Kata. After learning the full Kata, you can then add in the aspects of prayer (via “internal chanting”) and sacrifice. Until then, may you continue to “Walk far to quell and conquer.” 

*(with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. Another important martial and esoteric attribute of Seienchin Kata is that of balancing or harmonizing opposites. This is symbolized by the meaning, “Calm in the storm / storm in the calm.” In so far as the martial and esoteric applications are at least superficially apparent, I will not discuss them here. Suffice to say that such a discussion is quite a large conversation and is beyond the ken of this article. 

2 . 


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Sanchin-Dai Kata – Learn For Free: Introduction

3 Jan

 I fully believe that martial artists, and Karate-Ka in particular, need to perform the Sacred Trinity of Kata each and every day. For more on my belief, please use this convenient link: . 

I realize that not every Karate-Ka would know all three Kata of the Sacred Trinity. To that end, I created the Sanchin-Dai Kata (“Great Three Battles” kata).

 I compiled Sanchin-Dai Kata from my Sacred Trinity of Kata. As such, Sanchin-Dai embodies the principle characteristics and components of each of the three individual kata that make up the Sacred Trinity. The Sanchin-Dai Kata utilizes the Sacred Trinity in the following order: Seienchin Kata (the “Path” section), Suparunpei Kata (mandala section) and Sanchin Kata (last three steps). It is therefore a condensed version of the three kata. For those of you that prefer video over the written word, here is a brief video I made to introduce you to my Sanchin-Dai Kata:

To create Sanchin-Dai Kata, I had to identify the key feature of each component Kata within the Sacred Trinity.  By key feature, I mean not only the key physical attributes that form the basic martial tenet of the Kata, I also mean key psychological (mental states), emotional (subjective to the performer and esoteric features (both objective and subjective). 

The other key foundational matter is to arrange each of the attributes incorporated into Sanchin-dai, into a logical and esoteric order. For example, one learns the Sacred Trinity Kata in the following order: Sanchin, Seienchin then Suparunpei. For decades this was the order that I practiced the Sacred Trinity. When I delved into the heart of esoteric kata practice I shifted the order of performance to Seienchin, Suparunpei then Sanchin Kata. It is this order that I used to create the Sanchin-Dai Kata.

Initially I called this kata the Sacred Trinity Kata. I changed the name because much of my prior articles and videos referred to the Sacred Trinity OF Kata. I therefore decided to pay homage to one of the three strongest Esoteric Kata, Sanchin Kata. Additionally, the name implies that there are three battles (of human existence) represented by the Sanchin Kata and that there are three greater battles. Those three greater battles are found within the Esoteric Kata now known as Sanchin-Dai Kata.

In the event that your kata syllabus does not contain all three of the Sacred Trinity Kata, then you can easily learn my Sanchin-Dai Kata. Again, “Why?” It is because the Sacred Trinity Kata are imbued with spiritual energy. Additionally, the Sacred Trinity of Kata and the Sanchin-Dai Kata provide a means to explore two very important Esoteric Kata concepts. Namely,

For those of you that do not know all of the Kata within the Sacred Trinity of Kata, do not worry. The next three articles in this series will teach you my Sanchin-Dai Kata for free. Until then, I remain,

  * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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