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Esoteric Kata – Blood Kata Ritual: Introduction

2 Jan

Blood Kata can be experienced either during Katannabis Ritual Meditation or Kata-Rx For Wellness. It seems that Blood Kata must be a specific goal of the session. So-far in my experience, I have not experienced Blood Kata as a by-product of a general session.

What is the Blood Kata experience? Blood Kata is the act of using Kata as a form of prayer and sacrifice. Through Kata the release of life force is used to augment the prayer offering. It is analogous to the ancient physical blood sacrifices of our ancestors. Regardless of religious or spiritual boundaries, many of our ancient, indigenous ancestors practiced blood rituals. These blood rituals were a prayerful sacrifice to the powers and gods that are either greater than us or that are believed to have created us. 

Our modern understanding of these rituals puts emphasis on the spillage of blood as the sacrifice. This is a limited understanding. We are based in a physical reality governed by three dimensional, laws of physics. Given this limitation, our minds conclude that it is the physical blood, and spillage, that are of import. This is not so.

A deeper understanding of the blood ritual is that its import lies not in the physical, but, the non-physical. Think about the following observation. By definition, these gods and creators were non-physical beings of pure energy. Thus, they would not be nourished by physical blood. They would; however, be nourished by the energy resulting from the spillage of the blood. 

This observation shifts the import to the release of the energetic life force. This life force has many names in many circles. These include, Chi or Ki in the martial arts, Prana, Kundalini, Chakra, Chayim, in Kabbalah and the like. The name is not important. The importance is in the recognition of the internal (and external) life forces. For a martial artist this should be second nature.

The expression of those non-physical life forces is through physical reality. For the martial artist this is encapsulated in Kata. It is expressed by the “Kime” (or physical and non-physical “focus”) utilized during the Kata performance. You may recall that the three battles of Kata are united and harmonized through Kata. (You may read more on the three battles with this convenient link: . (See endnote # 1)

By way of additional background to the concept of Blood Kata, you may also wish to familiarize yourself with the Internal Factors affecting Kata,   and the External Factors affecting Kata, .

You may learn more on Blood Kata as a meditative and prayerful ritual with this short video class:

For now, practice your Esoteric Kata with these principles in mind. See if your practice leads you to an identification, understanding and acknowledgement of the concept of Blood Kata. I will have more on this topic for your consideration.

    *. (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1.  An analogy may help to understand Blood Kata as a means to express life force for the nourishment of the non-physical energetic forces. Think of your Kata as analogous to the blood letting ritual of some of the African Tribes. In order to nourish and sustain themselves, some tribes blood-let their cattle. That is they, pierce a vein in the cattle’s neck, and drink the blood. By doing so, they have an unlimited source of nourishment and sustenance. The cattle lives to provide for them another day. If they simply killed that cattle and ate the meat, then the nourishment ends when the last bit of meat is consumed. Similarly, Kata acts as the nourishing letting of life energy without the need to actually spill blood. Kata, therefore, is an infinite source of life energy. Remember, “Life is a Kata.” ™


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Suparunpei Kata – The Mandala Effect

24 Jul

A now abandoned church auditorium in Montclair, New Jersey. – A Dojo in Jefferson Township, New Jersey, now a bagel shop.

That’s where over thirty years ago I learned Suparunpei Kata, also called Pechurin Kata. It was in the church auditorium that the Sensei pulled me aside after class. (See Endnote # 1) Alone with Sensei, he placed his hand on my shoulder, looked me in the eyes and in broken english cautioned me, “You must never perform Suparunpei with an unclean spirit.” Why did he single me out for that advice? Now, decades later I understand.

Suparunpei is a very powerful Kata in both a physical and non-physical way. Suparunpei Kata mindfully performed so that the performer is subconsciously aware of its inherent spiritual power is “Spiritual Suparunpei.” Spiritual Suparunpei is a living ritualistic mandala. 

To paraphrase Jonathan Young (founder of the Campbell Institute) and Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok (founder, Kosher Torah School) the purpose of ritual is to create a separation between the sacred and the profane; a sacred space of mind through the external (proper) performance of the ritual. Thus it becomes “Holy” in nature. The ritual nature of Spiritual Suparunpei becomes evident when viewed as a living form of mandala. 

Mandala as a visual representation of the universe is more often than not an artistic representation, a “drawing.” When viewed from above, it is clear that Suparunpei, through its movements and sequences is a living visualization of mandala.

To see this effect one need only to analyze four sequences in particular. Like a mandala these four sequences all emanate from a central point and expand outwards in a circular fashion. Three of the sequences form the middle of the kata. The last sequence is actually one move, found at the end. As to the middle sequences, two are very similar in nature whereas the third sequence is different on many levels. It is with these three sequences that I shall start my analysis. Please see Endnote # 2 for a video of Suparunpei Kata to use as a point of reference.

The first of the mandala sequences, which I will call the double-open hand, sequence occurs after the fourth movement of the kata where the practitioner extends both arms towards the side, palms facing out. The first mandala is performed by with circular open handed movement of each hand, ending with a step forward with the right leg and both hands extended outward left, hand high, right hand low and concluding with a final hand movement and posture. The stance is the stance from the Sanchin Kata. By turning the body in a proscribed manner, the sequence is the again performed in the following directions. Labeling the first sequence being performed as north, the sequences continue to the south, east and west. Thus, all points of the compass are reflected in the first mandala. (See endnote # 3 for an important clarification). (More Mandala videos below – see Instagram info)

The first mandal is connected to the second mandal by three intermediate movements. These three movements utilize the hand movements of the first mandala. However, they are performed in a cat’s-foot stance (Neko-ashi Dache). 

The second mandala is exactly the same as the first, except that the hands are closed into a fist. It also follows the same circular path along the points of the compass; north, south, east and west. (See Endnote # 2) You will note that after the first mandala you are facing west.

The third mandala occurs immediately after the second mandala. The practitioner simply drops to a new stance, a side stance, along a diagonal path of south-east. The different stance is not the only point of divergence between this mandala and the two prior. Hand movements no longer involve both hand simultaneously, rather first the left hand moves, then both, then the right, then both again. This is an very interesting point which will warrant future analysis and discussion.

The last mandala embraces and envelopes all the prior mandala in one move. It takes place at the end of Suparunpei. In a left Sanchin stance you assume a transitional position with your left hand low. Your right foot performs a low crescent kick contacting your left hand. At the moment of contact you pivot 360 degrees on your left foot thus inscribing a full circle. You end facing north in the transitional position.

The four mandala, whether an integral part of the Suparunpei Kata, or taught independently as in my Kata-Rx for wellness program, produce an effect I call spatial distortion. This effect is the sine qua non to the ultimate effect of the overall Katannabis ritual meditation. Both of which require in depth analysis. I will share this with you in future posts.

This concludes part one of my discussion of the mandala effect of Suparunpei Kata. Please continue to experiment with this Kata as an integral part of your Katannabis ritual mediation. Document your experiences and observations so that you can build upon them as you progress in your studies. 

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski


* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

1. I did not formally train with this Okinawan Sensei. He was introduced to me through my karate comrade, who owned the Dojo in Jefferson Township. Through mutual agreement, this Sensei had taught a small group of us, all senior black belts the Kata.

2. Here is a video of Suparunpei Kata performed in the Atlantic Ocean at Cape Code, MA. 

3. The use of “North” as a starting point of reference is only an aid to the discussion of mandala. The esoteric, spiritual-Suparunpei Kata is performed by starting the Kata while facing East. Thus, the first mandal is one that properly orientates to East, West, South and North. Thus, the first two mandal start east and exit north. The reason why this is important is beyond the ken of this article. 


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Katannabis – Spatial Distortion: Introduction

12 Apr

“Spatial distortion” is one of the first phenomenon of Katannabis to manifest itself. Together with “Time-slip” these two phenomenon help build the foundation of your Katannabis meditation experience. I had previously posted an introduction to time-slip ( see endnote # 1), so this article will introduce you to spatial distortion.

Although spatial distortion is a unique epiphenomenon of Katannabis, I first encountered it as a young man in Sensei’s Dojo in Palisades Park, New Jersey. It was around 1973. I was twelve years old preparing for my purple belt test. For that rank, a candidate was required, inter alia, to demonstrate competency in the six kata required for that rank. An integral part of the test was to perform at least one of the six kata (if not all six, at Sensei’s discretion and whim) blindfolded. Incidentally, as you can see in the photo below, I passed my purple belt test – that’s me, number 4, receiving my rank from Sensei Nick D’Antuano, number 3 (for a full roster, see Endnote # 3).

With your sense of sight deprived, Sensei would be able to test the extent to which the Kata was ingrained within your body and spirit. In addition, being blind folded also tested your technical proficiency in the physical performance of the Kata. This proficiency relates to a concept that I call positional coincidence. (See endnote # 2). Performing Kata blindfolded causes you to lose your orientation within the dojo. You have no idea of the direction you are facing relative to the direction your started in, or your position on the floor relative to any external factors (the walls, etc). This is the cornerstone of spatial distortion.

Katannabis builds upon this cornerstone. During a Katannabis session, you should perform parts of the Kata with eyes closed. Your internal compass keeps you visually oriented to what’s in front, back and on your sides. As you sightlessly move through the Kata, the sequences disorientate your internal compass. Thus, your position within space is disoriented. You and the Kata are abstract, a free-flowing form. You move instinctively on a sub-conscious level. The body (as aided by sight) is divorced from the conscious mind. This is spatial distortion. 

The loss of spacial relativity – the distorting of your sense of “self within space” is a building block upon which a deeply rewarding meditation experience unfolds. Effectively, what is “You” disappears. Your sense of an individual moving the space within the pattern of a Kata is lost. You effectively become first the Kata and then space itself. Through the Kata you merged or morphed into space. I have included some of my Katannabis notes whereby I attempt to capture this sensation for your review.

You may become concerned when you first experience spatial distortion. The lack of orientation in space could be, well, disorientating. Do not worry. It a natural part of the process. Further, if you are concerned about achieving positional coincidence (and thus performing the Kata technically “correct”) – forget about it. Such is a vacuous concern that distracts form the beauty of Katannabis. Rather, embrace the sensation of spatial distortion, welcome it, become enveloped in it. As you develop proficiency within your Katannabis ritual meditation, spatial distortion and time-slip will help move you along the path you are seeking.

I say the above, with humility. I have had some very significant experience with my Katannabis meditation in the past two weeks. To be honest, I am still digesting not only the profound experiences but also their meaning. I do not disclose my revelations at this point in time as not only am I submerging myself within their light. In addition, and I am sorry to say, you are NOT ready for such disclosure — frankly, I hope I am ready for the revelations  . . .

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque*

Sensei John Szmitkowski

* with the privilege and permission of the superiors


1. For an introduction to time-slip, please use this link:

2. Positional coincidence is a unique attribute of modern (post 1930’s) karate kata. A kata will start and end at the exact same point on the dojo floor. By having your eyes blind folded, you are unable to track your location relative to your starting point during the kata performance so as to “force” positional coincidence by artificially hitting the mark. Thus, the blind fold is a physical test of the technical proficiency by which you perform the kata.

3. In the photo of my purple belt promotion: Sensei Dave Crum (1), Sensei Dave Church (2), Sensei nick D’Antuano (3), Me (4), Sensei Toni Fabi (5), Shihan Tom DeFelice (6), Sensei Paul Recchia (7) & Sensei Jeff Tyne (10).


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Zazen – The “Big-Bang” Of All Kata

3 Mar

The Big-Bang of Kata: Zazen

Science is in agreement, at least until a new theory is agreed upon, that the universe started with a “Big-bang.” The Big Bang Theory essentially holds that our universe was once an infinitely small point of potential, a singularity. 

Katannabis and Kata-Rx also started out as a singularity; a single point of energy-potential. So, what is the singularity, compressed energy potential, of Kata? And by extension, Katannabis? 

The answer is – Zazen! Yes, seated meditation!

The analysis of my hypothesis begins with the idea that there are Kata said to be hidden within other Kata. Gekisai Kata is hidden within Fuku Kata. Any Kata with a “dai” suffix is hidden within a Kata with a “sho” suffix. If you understand that then you can extrapolate that in so far as the three battles of Sanchin Kata are found within all Kata * Then you can say that all kata are hidden within Sanchin. It is then asked – Within what is hidden Sanchin Kata?

The answer is Zazen – the three battles are found, even if only by minute analysis, within Zazen – you must breathe, move your body, though seated the body still moves on a microscopic cellular level, and state of mind is actually Mushin – no state of mind. By extension, Zazen is also a physical state, a spiritual state and a metaphysical state. Thus, no matter how they are delineated, Zazen encompasses all three battles of Sanchin.

  • Sanchin Kata is hidden in Zazen (seated meditation),
  • All Kata are hidden in Sanchin Kata,
  • Therefore: All Kata are hidden in Zazen.

It is for this reason that Zazen, seated meditation, is an integral part of Katannabis. Now for the person or persons that will say, “Hey Sensei, if you are seated in Zazen, you are not moving your body!” Oh ye of little understanding. Of course your body is moving  while seated in Zazen. Your body moves when you are sleeping, unconscious or even under anesthesia. In all instances, your blood flows, your lungs expand and contract, you organs perform, cells metabolize, so your body is moving!

Now – go practice your Katannabis and think deeply on this.

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque 

Sensei John Szmitkowski


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(Wish’in I was) “On The Road (again) With Kata”

21 Nov

Ah, the call of the open road.

For as long as I can remember, I ride my motorcycle every day regardless of weather. Not; however when the roads are covered in snow or black ice. But give me clear asphalt and I’m on two wheels logging the miles. Even if its “just” my daily commute, the trip is always something new.

Dojo (Winter) – circa 2001

Still, I find myself missing a nice long road trip. A few days on the road, nights in a cheap motel meeting people along the way, changing scenery. When I lived in Arizona, I logged at least two road trips a year to New Jersey to work or see family. Since I’ve moved back to my home state, that “need” is gone.

Yup, I’ve got the itch to burn the miles. Unfortunately, its the busy season at work and a few days off is impossible. So, what to do?

The answer – Kata!

My last road trip was the return trip back to New Jersey after the Arizona house sold. I made that trip alone as my wife flew out ahead of me and my road companion Chloe had passed.

Chloe on the road – circa 2006

I started the trip the Monday of Thanksgiving week 2014 and arrived in New Jersey Thanksgiving Day. Too late for either Thanksgiving dinner or pumpkin pie. But it was another safe road trip in the books.

Naturally I used kata along the way to enhance the pleasure of being on the road and to refresh myself physically and mentally during the four day, 2,600 mile trip. As I knew it would be my last long trip for a while, I videoed my kata and journey. Looking at my videos, I realized I can again enjoy the memory of the journey through my kata. So, Monday of this week, I began to perform my “On The Road Kata.” As for this writing, I’ve completed the first two days (Monday and Tuesday) kata and am working on day three (Wednesday) as this is posting. Tomorrow, I’ll symbolically end my journey.

Come along, try a kata or two (some I recreated based upon my needs during the trip) and watch the videos. Here’s the journey:

Day 1: Monday – San Tan Valley, Arizona to Shamrock, Texas ( 789 miles)

1. Takiyouku Shodan modified to use Sanchin Kata method on the blocks – last kata performed in my house

2. Wansu Kata – Route 66 Casino/Truckstop west Albuquerque, New Mexico

3. Seipai Kata – slow to stretch my muscles Flying C Ranch Truck-stop, west of Santa Rosa, New Mexico

4. Sanchin Kata Hybrid – Best Western Motel, Shamrock Texas

Day 2: Tuesday – Shamrock, TX to West Memphis, Tennessee (1,169 miles traveled)

1. Hybrid Kata – using Seienchin, Suparunpei and Sanchin Kata to get the “blood flowing” (5:30 a.m. illuminated by truck headlights)

2. Ananku Kata – Truckstop Shawnee, Oklahoma

3. Fuku Kata – Rest Area, Altus, Arkansas

Day 3: Wednesday – West Memphis, TN to Salem, Virginia

1. Hybrid Kata 5:30 a.m. using Suparunpei and Hakutsuru Kata)

2. Kunchaba Kata – my weekly Wednesday Kata tribute to Shihan Wayne Norlander filmed at Loretta Lynn’s Country Kitchen, Hurricane Mills, Tennessee. (See Endnote # 1 for a video which includes a touching soundtrack by Warren Zevon).

3. Gekisai Kata (Deconstructed) – Comfort Inn Motel, Salem, VA. Kata on the road like this led to my “Kata Laboratory.”

Day 4: Thursday, Thanksgiving Day (2014) Salem, VA to Bergen County, New Jersey

1. Sanchin Kata (Shobu version) at a gas station on highway I-78 in Pennsylvania.

Thanks for reading and watching. Have a really Happy Thanksgiving, 2017.

Sensei John Szmitkowski

     For information on my “no-risk”, kata seminars, please visit the seminar page using this convenient link
My seminars are the ONLY seminars that allow you to pay at the conclusion, thus insuring your complete satisfaction!


1. My video tribute from the road to Shihan Wayne Norlander featuring the song, “Keep Me In Your Heart” by Warren Zevon. I miss the Karate-Do training we shared and motorcycle rides we took.

 For a refreshing and innovative discourse on kata and bunkai, please feel free to visit Sensei John’s Kata Laboratory and “THINK * SWEAT * EXPERIMENT” using this convenient link:

© Copyright 2017 Issho Productions & John Szmitkowski, all rights reserved.

You may wish to view my other blogs –
   my fishing blog which includes my fishing journals and the interrelationship between martial arts protocol & ideology to fishing
 the Goshin-Do Karate blog at

Next Free Kata Lab Online Course – Preview

15 Mar

The launch my my FREE Kata Lab Lite online class series has met with better than expected success. It seems you want more. So, I’m in the process of filming the next online course. This course will continue to introduce you to and have you explore the spiritual aspects of Kata. (See Endnote # 1)

Here’s a sneak peak at what lies ahead in my Kata Laboratory FREE online classes:
(From “What’s Ahead” class video):

Curious? Want more – now? You can see some teaser articles and videos using these convenient links:

      Kata To Modify Emotions – Filmed in the scenic Superstition Mountains, Arizona, his video uses Gekisai Kata to demonstrate how kata affects your emotional state:

      Kata Dr. Jekyll’s Potion – This video uses Fuku Kata and is filmed at the beautiful Lower Salt River, Arizona.

      Souvenir effect of Kata (Remembrance effect) –

Remember to Think * Sweat * Experiment with Kata in my Kata Lab.

Try a FREE mini Kata Lab Course – Kata Analysis Using Time As A 4th Dimension Of Distance. Very innovative, exciting all for FREE in the comfort of your own home, using your system’s kata! Enroll for FREE using this convenient link:

Sensei John Szmitkowski

1. I stress that kata has “Three Battles” or aspects, a physical aspect, a spiritual aspect and an environmental aspect. Thus analysis of kata, a process called “Bunkai” must be conducted on the same three levels. You may find more using this link:

      Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

  • Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;
  • Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);
  • Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;
  • Kata Laboratory where you can “Think – Sweat – Experiment” with your Kata & Sensei John’s innovative concepts.

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.


What Is The FREE Online Kata-RX For Wellness Course?

19 Oct

“Kata-RX For Wellness & Mindfulness” is the name of my online school. Now, you can benefit from the nurturing and sustaining effects of kata FREE, in the privacy of your own home, at you convenience.

I promise a unique learning experience. You can get a sample from the teaser video below. Move over Yoga! Step aside Tai-Chi! The gym – forget-about-it! The time for Kata for wellness & mindfulness has come – and Sensei John is the innovator!

More to come!

Sensei John Szmitkowski

FREE Online Kata Lab Course

12 Oct

Donations Welcome!

If you enjoy my FREE Kata Lab experience, please consider a small donation to help defray costs. Thank-you & remember to THINK – SWEAT – Experiment with your Kata.


FREE Online Kata Lab Mini Course is now open! Enroll for FREE, learn in your home, at your pace using this convenient link:

This in-depth FREE Kata Lab course analyzes your Kata from the standpoint of “Time As A 4th Dimension Of Distance.” Using three analytical tools, Sensei John shows you how understand that as your physical speed diminishes with age, you can become quicker through a deep understanding of efficient use of time. All found within your Kata! Understand how time affects distance through the lens of Kata’s
– interim movements;
– sequence analysis, and;
– rhythmic analysis.

Enroll for FREE, learn in your home, at your pace using this convenient link:

Martial mythology contains tales of the “old masters” who seemingly without moving can defeat an aggressor. Now you can grasp how they simply understood the efficient use of time to offset the dilatory physical effects of age.

There’s nothing to loose and 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
How? It’s FREE!
Why? Sensei John is so certain you will not have analyzed your kata from the standpoint of time and the such an examination will be a catalyst for more Kata Lab experimentation, that after you finish the course you will want to make a small donation. If not that’s okay, the knowledge Sensei passes along, it, ultimately FREE. Learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.

        Enroll for FREE, learn in your home, at your pace using this convenient link:

Sensei John Szmitkowski

         you may also enjoy Sensei John’s other FREE online course Kata-RX For Wellness & Mindfulness, please use this secure link to enroll for FREE:

Time Modification Of Kata – Interim Movements – Fuku/Gekisai Kata Example

29 Jul

Donations are appreciated

My Kata Lab posts, representing my almost five decades of experience, are shared here free. If you would like to donate to help defray costs, your generosity is appreciated. Thank-you & THINK-SWEAT-EXPERIMENT with kata.


          Try a FREE mini Kata Lab Course – Kata Analysis Using Time As A 4th Dimension Of Distance. Very innovative, exciting all for FREE in the comfort of your own home, using your system’s kata! Enroll for FREE using this convenient link:

==== and now for this week’s installment:

This article is a continuation of my exploration of time as a fourth dimension of distance. For those unfamiliar with this concept there are several video and other resources in Endnote # 1. Simply put, most martial artists think of distance as a function of the three dimensions of length, width and height. To do so omits the all important fourth dimension of time.

Time as a fourth dimension of distance is easily appreciated when one practices their kata. Such, practice, may require modification of the kata sequences. The within is one method of modifying your kata to appreciate the time dimension.

Interim kata movements (the starting posture of the next movement) can be modified to achieve a time advantage over your opponent. How does this work? Let us look at a typical three move kata sequence found in many kata. That of a block, a counter strike and a block. This last block is actually not a “block” but a continuation of the counter attack. In the Goshin-Do style of karate, this sequence can be found, inter alia, in the Kata Fuku and Gekisai, (See Endnote # 2)

As the sequence is the same for both Fuku and Gekisai Kata (only the blocks change) let’s take a look at the sequence as it is normally performed in the Fuku Kata (See Endnote # 3 for videos of both the entire Fuku and Gekisai Kata)

Move # 1: High Block

Move # 2: Step forward, lunge Punch to chest

Move # 3: Step back, low block

To explore how an interim movement (the cover for the third block) can be used to achieve a time advantage, simply modify the movement. In the case, you speed up the cover for the block. Normally after the lunge punch you would step back to a half-way position and then cover the low block. You then complete the step back (to a side stance in the Fuku & Gekisai Kata) and complete the low block. To achieve a time advantage, perform the cover simultaneously with the punch as shown in the photo below. Again, you then step back to the completed position.

Move # 1:

Move # 2: Time modified – lunge punch and cover for low block simultaneous:

Move # 3: Step back, low block as usual.

You can and should practice your kata with this time adjustment. When you are comfortable with the movement, conduct bunkai (analysis) with a partner and see how the cover actually becomes a continuation of the counter attack (as in the case of the completed low block). In the time modified sequence, you will have gained an advantage by counter striking your opponent twice (once with the punch and simultaneously with the counter).

Exploring the fourth dimension of time as a component part of your kata will provide you with a rich and more complete understanding of not only your kata, but, also yourself. It is fertile ground limited only by the boundaries of your own imagination.

Like this post! Then try a FREE mini Kata Lab Course – Kata Analysis Using Time As A 4th Dimension Of Distance. Very innovative, exciting all for FREE in the comfort of your own home, using your system’s kata! Enroll for FREE using this convenient link:

Respectfully submitted,

Sensei John Szmitkowski


 For information on my “no-risk”, kata seminars, please visit the seminar page using this convenient link
My seminars are the ONLY seminars that allow you to pay at the conclusion, thus insuring your complete satisfaction!


1. To understand the basic concept of the three basic dimensions of lenght, width and height as they relate to the martial arts and the fourth dimension of time, please click this link:

2. The basic sequence, block, strike, block, is sometimes obscured. For example, the sequence is found within the Taikiyoku kata series. A block is followed by a lunge punch, a turn is then performed during which another block is executed. The turn obscures the third block in the sequence. Removing the cloud of the turn opens the idea that the third block and turn is in fact a continuation of the counter strike. However, that concept is for another article in this series.

3. Here is a video of the entire Fuku and Gekisai Kata of the Goshin-Do Karate style.

© Copyright 2017 Issho Productions & John Szmitkowski, all rights reserved.

Kata Lab # 3210 – Kata To Modify Emotions

1 Jul


Now open for FREE enrollment – Kata Laboratory

Now, you can “Think * Sweat * Experiment” ©  with your kata using Sensei John’s innovative Kata Laboratory experience for FREE in the comfort of your own home. A truly innovative approach to kata analysis like you have not experienced before. 


Je pense que donc je suis. (I think therefore I am)  -Jean Paul Sartre


Welcome to this installment in my Kata Laboratory Series, Kata Lab # 2130: Kata As An Emotional Modifier” ©


Our emotions are the most identifiable aspect of our spiritual state of being. Daily events routinely shape and alter our emotions. We can also directly modify our emotions from within.

Most of us seek to suppress negative emotions in the hopes that a positive emotional state will manifest. This kata lab uses kata to modify emotions, not by repressing them, but by acknowledging and expelling them so as to embrace a more positive emotional state.

Kata is uniquely capable of serving as an emotional modifier. The bunkai (analysis) of this phenomenon of kata is a foundation for understanding the spiritual aspect of kata. (See Endnote # 1) This edition of the kata laboratory utilizes my kata deconstruction procedure explained in Kata Laboratory # 2130 to explore how kata can modify our emotional state. It is therefore necessary for you to be familiar with the kata deconstruction procedure. There is a link to the article provided above and a video below.

I submit that certain kata, due to their essential qualities, are natural emotional modifiers. Examples of such kata include, but are not limited to, my Sacred Trinity of Kata (Sanchin, Seienchin, and Suparunpei), Hakutsuru, Gekisai, Kanto and others. All kata; however can be utilized to modify emotions. See Endnote # 2) The kata deconstruction technique provides an excellent platform upon which to construct bunkai (analysis) of the spiritual aspect of any kata.

Once you begin to understand the manner in which kata modifies emotions, you open the door to understanding the spiritual nature of kata. Emotions functions as the gateway to understanding this spiritual state.

I have created two types of emotional deconstruction techniques, the “General Emotional Deconstruction “ and the “Targeted Emotional Deconstruction.”

The general method is very basic. In my experience, I find that while this method is fun, it is extremely fundamental. As such, I have relegated the exact methodology of this procedure to Endnote # 3.

The Targeted Emotional Deconstruction is more difficult and requires more advance preparation than the general method; however, the benefits of performing this deconstruction protocol are profound.

In this type of deconstruction you start with an emotion, and progress through the kata deconstruction so as to end with the opposite of that emotion. The emotion you commence with would be representative of your emotional state at the time of practice. For example, assume that you have had a difficult day and are aggravated. To start the procedure, you would take the state of aggravation and expand it to its highest emotional state. In the example shown below, this state may be represented by an emotional state of fury. This step is crucial in so far as it does not repress your negative emotional state; rather it, acknowledges and expands it. This allows you to fully acknowledge the emotion so as to ultimately dispel it.

You would then identify the opposite of this state so as to target the desired ending emotional state. In this example, tranquility would represent a desired state opposite to the state of fury. You then deconstruct the kata so as to work your way through the range of emotions between fury and tranquility. The table below provides an example using the eight sequences shown in the deconstruction of Gekisai kata.


Targeted Emotional Deconstruction  – using the state of aggravation as the existing emotional state, the following example starts with the emotion of fury and ends with the emotion of tranquility. The chart below uses the eight sequences of Gekisai Kata identified in the video example.

1 Fury
2 Aggressiveness
3 Anger
4 Aggravation
5 Slow Burn
6 Calm
7 Placid
8 Tranquil

As you gain proficiency in this technique, you no longer have to perform the kata as deconstructed. Eventually, you can perform the kata within the traditional pattern and express the various emotions as you do so.

Kata Laboratory (Recommended Reader Experimentation):

The following is my procedure to utilize my kata deconstruction procedure to modify your emotional state. The within allows you to begin to experience kata not as a physical endeavor, but as a spiritual art. Using the table above as a guide,

1. Identify either your current emotional state or choose an emotion you wish to explore. Using the Gekisai example, let us use “aggravation” as such an emotional state;

2. Identify the extreme manifestation of that emotional state. Again using the Gekisai example and the state of “aggravation”, the extreme state might be “fury”;

3. Identify the extreme opposite emotional state. In the example, this state may be a state of “tranquility”;

4. Based upon the number of sequences in the kata you wish to perform, identify the same number of transitional emotional states between the two opposite states. In the Gekisai example, the above table shows these states;

5. Now, perform your kata, deconstructing each sequence. As you progress through the sequences, perform each sequence so as to symbolize each emotional state. To the casual observer, your emotional state associated with each sequence should be readily apparent in the manner in which you perform the sequence.

6. Repeat as often as you like, experimenting with differing emotions and different kata to see how kata affects your emotions.

Here is a video to assist you with your experiment in using kata to modify emotions


Using my kata deconstruction method to explore the manner in which kata can modify your emotions has direct, positive and tangible effects. It also has intangible benefits awaiting your discovery.

  • you can use kata to modify negative emotions when they creep into your life;
  • you can increase the health effects of positive emotions by increasing them through your kata practice;
  • you recognize the effect your emotional state has on your physical self;
  • you begin to understand how emotions affect your overall state of being;
  • your understanding of the above acs as a foundation for your continued exploration into your spiritual state of being.
  • most importantly, you begin to practice kata bunkai (analysis) in both the physical state and the spiritual state.

Please remember, the mandate of the kata laboratory is




Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque (With the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Donations are appreciated!

If you enjoy the FREE posts, videos, or have tried my FREE Kata-RX course & have the ability to donate, please feel free to do so & help defray the costs of same. Thank-you & please try the FREE course.


Help support Sensei’s Kata Lab experiments –

Come visit my store on CafePress!

all items have a minimal mark-up of only $ 0.75 to $ 1.00 over base prices! Here are ONLY SOME of our support products:


© Copyright 2006 and 2013 Issho Productions & John Szmitkowski, all rights reserved.


1. Please remember:

First, the spiritual bunkai of kata does not refer to religious, or supernatural states. Rather, spiritual bunkai refers to the method by which kata affects internal non-physical process which include, but are not limited to emotions, states-of-mind (mushin, zanshin, nenjuushin and the likes) and internal states of awareness.

Second, exploring the spiritual bunkai of kata is markedly different from exploring the physical bunkai of kata. One area of divergence is that physical bunkai always requires a partner whereas spiritual bunkai need not require a partner, but always requires visualization.

2. If you fully understand the three states of kata, namely, the physical, spiritual and metaphysical states, then you can readily understand how any kata can modify emotions. For example, the translation of the kanji for the Gekisai Kata in our example can demonstrate the three states. Gekisai translates as “To destroy”. Applying this to the three states we see that:

physical state – to destroy your opponent in battle;

spiritual state – to destroy your own negative mental and emotional states;

environmental state – to destroy your preconception that you exist independent of your external environment.

Each and every time you perform Gekisai (or any other kata) you are simultaneously present in each of the above three states.

3. The General Emotional Deconstruction is performed as follows:

General Emotional deconstruction)

using kata deconstruction technique:

  • start with an emotion
  • perform the first sequence so as to emulate and reflect that emotion
  • after the sequence, walk a few steps in any direction, as you walk, be “mindful” of different emotion,
  • perform the next sequence so as to emulate and reflect that emotion
  • repeat until the kata is complete
  • Example:

General Emotional Deconstruction  – the following example illustrates the wide variety of emotions that can be used in the deconstruction process. The emotional range is limited only by the imagination of the performer.

The chart below uses the eight sequences of Gekisai Kata identified in the video example.

Sequence # Emotion
1 normal emotion
2 caution
3 trepidation
4 anger
5 serenity
6 seriousness
7 giddiness
8 serenity


FREE Online Kata Lab Course

3 Jun

Donations Welcome!

If you enjoy my FREE Kata Lab experience, please consider a small donation to help defray costs. Thank-you & remember to THINK – SWEAT – Experiment with your Kata.


FREE Online Kata Lab Mini Course is now open! Enroll for FREE, learn in your home, at your pace using this convenient link:

This in-depth FREE Kata Lab course analyzes your Kata from the standpoint of “Time As A 4th Dimension Of Distance.” Using three analytical tools, Sensei John shows you how understand that as your physical speed diminishes with age, you can become quicker through a deep understanding of efficient use of time. All found within your Kata! Understand how time affects distance through the lens of Kata’s
– interim movements;
– sequence analysis, and;
– rhythmic analysis.

Enroll for FREE, learn in your home, at your pace using this convenient link:

Martial mythology contains tales of the “old masters” who seemingly without moving can defeat an aggressor. Now you can grasp how they simply understood the efficient use of time to offset the dilatory physical effects of age.

There’s nothing to loose and 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
How? It’s FREE!
Why? Sensei John is so certain you will not have analyzed your kata from the standpoint of time and the such an examination will be a catalyst for more Kata Lab experimentation, that after you finish the course you will want to make a small donation. If not that’s okay, the knowledge Sensei passes along, it, ultimately FREE. Learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.

        Enroll for FREE, learn in your home, at your pace using this convenient link:

Sensei John Szmitkowski

         you may also enjoy Sensei John’s other FREE online course Kata-RX For Wellness & Mindfulness, please use this secure link to enroll for FREE:

Online Kata-RX For Wellness Course Number 2 – Opens July!

26 Jun

My three part Kata For Wellness and Mindfulness online course takes the next step with course number two.

The first course has already opened for enrollment.
The second course is well underway to opening in the next ten days. This second course will teach the full, enhanced movements of the three kata presented in the first course. More significantly this course will teach more of the internal processes found within the kata. The Ghost Hand Gaze, Ghost Hand perception, Mushin state of mind, contracting and expanding bio-energy and Nenjuushin (the everyday mind) to name a few of the internal processes.

To date all that remains is editing and final tweaking. So, it looks like the second course will launch around July 4th. In the meantime, here’s a few screen shots from the videos. I hope you enjoy them.

From the Ghost Hand Kata Gaze class


From the Mushin-No-Shin mindset class


Practice your Ghost Hand Kata with me – a unique approach


Practice your Sanchin Kata & Mushin-No-Shin mindset with me

Please remember that new students must start with the first course. The second course builds on the core techniques and internal principles taught in the first course. This course has already opened for enrollment. Welcome to all the new students!

The first course teaches the core movements of three kata: my Ghost Hand Kata (Yurei-Te Kata), the Sanchin Kata and the 1 Day / 1 Lifetime Kata (“Ichi-Nichi / Issho” Kata). It is the starting point for all students. For a limited time you can still enroll for only $ 10. (that’s a savings of $ 15 off the regular price) & there’s a 30 day money back guarantee if not completely satisfied. You may view the entire curriculum and enroll, if you choose to do so here:

I look forward to seeing you in class. My best to all,

Sensei John Szmitkowski


Enroll Now – Online Kata For Wellness & Mindfulness Starts Today!

10 Jun

Todays the day! My online school Kata-Rx For Wellness & Mindfulness is open for enrollment!

In it I offer a 3 course plan to learn my “1 Day / 1 Lifetime” Kata I created for non-martial artists to use to achieve physical and mental well-being. For those that prefer kata names in Japanese it is the “Ichi-nichi Issho” Kata. While this kata is designed specifically with the non-martial artist in mind, karate-ka can benefit too – it is a unique kata that is not available anywhere else. Not only did I create the kata with you in mind, no-one else is providing the insights I disclose in the 3 courses.

Learn more, view the course syllabus & enroll now to save using this convenient, secure link to Sensei’s Kata-Rx school:

For a limited time the 1st course teaching the core physical movements & introductory states-of-mind is only $ 10. with a full refund in 30 days if not satisfied. Upon payment, you also can join a private FaceBook group for one-on-one interaction.

Please feel welcome to check it out and see the full curriculum – what a bargain for only $ 10 – that’s right 48 years of training resulting in a kata created just for you and you can start learning for less than the cost of a pizza.

The second course which will teach the full kata will be available in 2 weeks for a price of $ 55. (one time payment) or a 2 payment option of $ 30. each, also with a 30 day money back guarantee.

The third course teaching advanced topics will launch two weeks after the second course. This course will teach insights into kata that, I promise, no-one else is teaching these insights into kata for wellness and mindfulness. The price will be between $ 25 and $ 30 so that the entire 3 course kata program will be less than $ 100.

Thanks for checking it out.

I remain

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Still not convinced – here’s a sneak peak at the start of the class on breathing – you will enjoy each class – promise! Then click here to enroll:

Exciting News – Sensei’s Online Kata-RX School

7 Jun


My Online Kata For Wellness & Mindfulness Course will officially launch!

Get Ready Kata-RX.Teachable.Com goes live on Monday!

To mark the occasion, the first course is being offered at a spectacular low price. Enrollees will also be invited to join a private FaceBook group for one-on-one interaction with me upon payment. (click on the flyer below for more detail)

In addition, I am honored and delighted to announce that I have received permission from the Estate of my friend and karate-do comrade, Shihan Wayne Norlander to use his memorial design on the site. 

Designed by Shihan’s family to commemorate the first anniversary of Shihan’s passing on May 18th, 2011, with a memorial motorcycle run, the design was featured on T-shirts given to all participants.


In 2009, Shihan Norlander graciously wrote the forward to my Sanchin Kata Book. Now, I am privileged to honor his eternal spirit with the design via my online course.

Here’s a sneak peak at a promotional flyer marking the launch incorporating the design. (click for larger image) – You may even want to enroll on Monday – you have nothing to loose.

6-10-19: School’s Open – enroll now to save!


I look forward to seeing you in the first online course,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Coming June 2019 – Sensei John’s Online Kata Course For Anyone

22 May

Karma has shined down upon me. (check out the sneak peak video at the end).

I completed my newest kata for wellness and meditation project. In it I introduce non-martial artists to two kata I specifically created for the project, the highly meditative “Ghost Hand Kata” (Yurei-Te Kata) ™ and the penultimate “1 Day / 1 Lifetime Kata” (Ichi-nichi- Issho Kata). ™ The manuscript is fully written and I am almost finished filming video.

I’ve developed kata before, including the Shibumi Kata to help my wife endure chemotherapy.

I’ve provided insight into the process by developing a Kata Lab devoted to the means of creating a kata.

Creating a kata was never a problem. The problem was on of an online platform to get the kata out. Then karma smiled upon me – I found a platform that allows me to open an online school! More correct is that the platform actually found me, how exciting! So for two weeks I’ve been out filming, editing and uploading to be able to offer my kata course to the public.

The school name that I am toying with is “Kata-Rx.” ™ Naturally, I’ll announce the opening, which will include full support on social media via a private FaceBook group, new You-Tube channel, Instagram and Twitter (before this I thought only birds tweeted). My target date is June 1st or as close to that as possible.

I promise a unique learning experience. You can get a sample from the teaser video below. Move over Yoga! Step aside Tai-Chi! The gym – forget-about-it! The time for Kata for wellness & mindfulness has come – and Sensei John is the innovator!

As you may know all martial arts and all kata start with – – – yup, you guessed it – – – BREATHING. So naturally the teaser gives a look into the first class in the curriculum, proper breathing. Take a look and enjoy the “Dojo” and the teaching “props.”

More to come!

Sensei John Szmitkowski