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An Esoteric Secret Disclosed – “Why now?”

15 May

It is moments like this that give me deep pause. 

Last night I had a deep, introspective Katannabis Session. This morning at 6:00 am, I went out on my deck and performed Sanchin-Dai Kata as a Blood Kata. Usually, I perform a full Kata-Rx (no cannabis entheogen). Most Wednesday’s (my sacred day) I am alone at home with only my dog, Maharet as a companion. I felt compelled to perform a Shugyo (intense, deep, prolonged) Katannabis session once alone. That session began at 8:30am.  It was during that session, which lasted about two hours, that I intuited a “compulsion” to immediately release a video of my Sanchin-Dai Kata and the majority of my personal prayers. Some of the prayers and breathing intonations are redacted as this is way beyond your present capabilities to understand. Still, for whatever reason, I was “pressed” into releasing the within video. I have no idea why and, frankly, would prefer not to. 

In any event, the video is of Sanchin-Dai Kata which I formulated to encompass the Sacred Trinity of Kata (Seienchin, Suparunpei & Sanchin, which are reflected in the Kata). This facilitates the ability of a non-martial artist to acquaint themselves with the possibility of Kata as a form of prayer and sacrifice. Know and understand clearly – this is what works for me. It may not work for you. It is a matter of introspection and faith which is a subjective relationship with the transcendent Divine. 

Again, the inspiration for all of this was when, a few years ago, I stumbled upon a translation of and ancient papyrus scroll – the Gospel of Mary, hidden in a desert cave, and written over two thousand years ago that contained – the word ——- KATA!

My obligation is now fulfilled (two more hours later after my session). Enjoy with caution, these are deep waters. 

What is Esoteric Kata?

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Bansetsuan – An Esoteric Kata inspired poem

2 May

My early morning Esoteric Kata session inspired this poem (To enhance your experience, please watch these this video, with your sound on, before and after reading the poem, see endnote # 2) If you do enjoy this post, there is another Kata-inspired poem at the bottom of the page in the Instagram link.


Morning. Fog.

Unseen, songs sung, 

Unseen Hands

    Mold the clay

Bats Buzz, clay becomes –

     a Man.

The poem came to me during my morning (5:30 am) Kata performance. As there are bears that roam this early, I usually perform my morning Kata on my deck high above the Earth. The day was a Sacred Day. The Sacred Day being Wednesday. My dear friend and Karate-Do comrade Sensei Wayne Norlander passed away May 18th, 2011, a Wednesday. Each Wednesday thereafter (without fail) I would perform his favorite Kata in his honor. I think his immortal spirit whispered the poem within the song of the birds and the breeze (see videos, with sound on). Miss you Sensei Wayne, but your spirit is eternal, and eternal you endure (nod to Dante Alighieri).

One of my Karate-Do comrades would refer to performing Kata as the “Clay in the mold” Kata being the mold, the performer the clay. “Bansetsuan” translates as “Retreat of the untalented teacher.”

Until the next time, practice your Esoteric Kata with an open mind, pure heart and clean spirit, 

  * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. “Bansetsuan” was the name of the Aikido Dojo of Sensei Kenosha Furuya. I did not train with him; however, I am highly enamored of his marvelous book, Kodo: Ancient Ways. I have had my copy for many decades and consider it a must read for any Martial Artist

2. The poem came to me as I performed the mandala section of Suparunpei Kata. I then proceeded to perform Sanchin Kata at which time, the bats buzzed right over my head and remained throughout the Kata and for long enough to let me film them. Enjoy


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Suparunpei Kata – Esoteric Mandala Concepts

23 Apr

If it bleeds, It can be killed. If it has no body, it can be banished.” – Sensei Seikichi Toguchi

Not a quote that you would expect from an indigenous karate master. Mention “There is no first attack in karate”, “Kata begins and ends with respect” and similar adages and everyone’s on board the train. Talk about banishing non-physical entities and, well, people kind of stare up at the ceiling wondering, “How to I gracefully exit this conversation?” For those readers looking for the exit, read endnote # 1 then, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Can you handle this?” If not, leave, in fact, “Get out – Now.”

During a recent Katannabis Blood Kata session, I felt persuaded to release my personal notes on the more advanced esoteric concepts of the mandala sections of Suparunpei Kata. These very powerful mandala form an integral component of my Sanchin-dai Kata. It is this powerful section of Suaprunpei that combines with the esoteric aspects of Seienchin Kata and Sanchin Kata (my Sacred Trinity of Kata) that gives experiential “life” to Sensei Toguchi’s words.

I fully realize that I now sound like every other spiritual-huckster out there trying to sell you something for a buck. But – what I offer is free – there is no motive. In fact trust me – I do not want to release this information. It took me fifty-three years to accumulate it – and – I am still working and experimenting with it. But, after an intense Katannabis Blood Kata meditation session, it was “intuited” to me that I should do so and do so now. So I feel compelled to do so.

Having said that, you can view the video. I did not make it easy – good luck. And, yeah – be careful!

I hope you will continue your exploration of Esoteric Kata. If you choose to do so, please proceed with a pure heart, clean spirit and open mind. Until the next submission, I remain,


1. “When a researcher gets to a certain point, they tend to realize that some information and studies surpass the understanding of the intellect alone but rather sequesters the heart to comprehend such mysteries of which the mind is unwilling.” Commentary in the Book of Enoch, Jay Winter, Ibooks. 

For an additional hint at the origin of my esoteric Blood Kata meditation, please use this convent link:


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Blood Kata Path – My First Blood Kata Sacrifice

10 Apr

The question has been presented –

How the hell did I come up with the concept of Blood Kata? 

When was my first blood sacrifice?

For those not in the know, my Blood Kata Ritual combines Esoteric Kata, either by way of Kata-Rx or Katannabis Meditation with prayer (as YOU define it) and sacrifice (the Kata energy being the sacrifice). You may access posts in this category with this link, (posts are in latest first, so please scroll down to the beginning):

In response to the question, here’s the short, sweet, and nasty behind it – and yeah it starts off like a cheap pulp fiction novel. It was a dark, stormy night – oops, correction – it was a dark, tempestuous time in my life. Physically, mentally, emotionally the Darkness was almost, but not quite, omnipresent. Now, I have no idea why, but during a rather deep, introspective Katannabis mediation session (Katannabis = Kata combined with cannabis as a meditative entheogen), I questioned. I vented. I was mired in the dark quagmire. And – perhaps – as in the Words of Dion Fortune, I emitted the “Cry of the Soul” (see Endnote # 1). 

I received an answer. More accurately, an answer was intuited to me. It came from somewhere. It led me to a translation of an ancient text – a 2000+ years old papyrus found near Akhmim in upper Egypt! I began to research the papyrus, its translations and commentaries. I found a text which contained photos of the actual papyrus along side the translations. 

Don’t believe me? Here – see for your self:

Now, ask yourself:

  • •What is the Aramaic word written as “Kata” doing in a 2000+ year old manuscript?
  • •How can this discovery benefit you in a positive and profound way?
  • •Are you even astute enough to appreciate any of this?

As to the answers, that is not for me to say. I am only “compelled” or urged to share what is shared herein. Good luck.

If you are on the path of knowledge and have embarked on a personal, introspective Esoteric Kata journey, go forth boldly, but cautiously with a pure heart, clean spirit and open mind.  


1. “In times of spiritual crisis, when the very self is being swept away, then it is that the Cry Of The Soul is heard, and Something manifests out of the mists of the Unseen, manifests in a form that is comprehensible to the one who calls. Whether intense stress induces a temporary expansion of consciousness, a fugitive psychism, or whether a Being of its own volition passes through the veil and manifests, I do not know; there are never any details available of these incidents. They take place only in times of dire stress and go as swiftly as they came, leaving no trace except upon the soul.” (My emphasis) – Excerpt From: Fortune, Dion. “Psychic Self-Defense.” iBooks. 

I highly recommend this book!!


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 26 – This One’s For Me

15 Mar

This is a very unusual post – the first of its kind. Let’s call it:

Esoteric Zanshin: Interpretation (a/k/a: What The Hell?).

You see in the past my major impetus for posting was to codify, memorialize, and document my experiments, methods and insights into Esoteric Kata and all its subsets. This is the first post in twenty years of this blog that I am posting for my own benefit. To help me understand what Esoteric Kata is revealing to me.  It is my Path – right now.

There are times that an Esoteric Kata session will simply blow you away. I had one such session that was, well, thought provoking, introspective and contextually a doozy. You see I have come to a crossroads. Not just any crossroads. According to my notes, I have been on this specific journey of the Path Of Blood Kata (a subset of Esoteric Kata) for exactly 168 days now. The cross roads that I have come to is the exact one that I envisioned – long before even day 1!!

Was it manifested? Bestowed by some Greater Power? Is it manufactured by the Matrix? Am I living a Dream, Nightmare or Vision (as in the Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo)? Did I see the future? Have I gone Bat-shit crazy? I really can’t fathom how the scenario I saw, desired, thought the best-case, etc, etc, etc has actually appeared.

I had utilized my nightly Katannabis Blood Kata ritual to try to work through and gain insights into this recent event that has “Path altering implications.” It was a productive session that led to many insights. 

The next day, as usual, I woke at 5:30 am. As my dog, Maharet, was going about her morning ablations, I reviewed my session notes (see above) from the prior evening. Maharet, fully ablated came inside to eat and, as is her desire at such times, go back to bed. I went outside to perform my morning Kata-Rx Blood Kata ritual. (See Endnote # 1)

It was a cool (43 degrees F), crisp, clean morning. As the sun had not yet risen, there were a few remaining stars in the cloudless morning sky. Disappointingly, my favorite, Orion constellation had moved on from last nights positions. Well, I’ll see my “friend” later, tonight as I perform Katannabis outside. Kata in such a robust setting was a welcome experience. 

As is my practice, I jotted down a few notes (naturally with my beloved fountain pens). I meditated and went inside to start my day. I wanted to codify and memorialize my thoughts from these last two sessions. Over my first cup of coffee (now about 10:00 am), I did so. I am at a good place as far as interpreting the insights, visions and interpretations from the path so far. I hope that throughout the day and during tonight’s Katannabis Blood Kata I will make even more head way. (See Endnote# 2) Maybe, I’ll even understand how I got to this exact crossroads and what it all means. The Path got me here. The Path will reveal what’s next.

You see the Esoteric Kata Path reveals itself not when you want or demand answers, but when the Path is ready to give you not an answer but the hint of one.

Until next time,


1. I perform my rituals in twelve hour intervals – nightly Katannabis Blood Kata Ritual (using the entheogen Cannabis with my Kata) starts around 6:30 pm and my morning Kata-Rx Blood Kata ritual (same as the evening but without the entheogen) starts around 6:00 am. Yeah, I know, not exactly twelve hours – Let’s see what you do at 5:30 am.

2. Prior to writing this post, I had set about handling the matter that arose yesterday morning. As is the case when one must conduct oneself while limited to this rudimentary physical existence, I “took matters into my own hands” as the skin-sacks of this world like to say (and even believe). In the process, I “stumbled upon” (more about that later) a cherished possession that I had misplaced. It is the dog collar of my beloved and departed Miko. Miko was with me for fifteen of the most arduous, challenging years of my life.

I had carried her collar with me by attaching it to my motorcycle.  When I traded it in for a new motorcycle seven months ago, I put the collar aside for safe keeping. And – naturally – misplaced it. Until now. Perhaps this is but one of the many signs that I have found along the Path.

At least Miko is with me once again.


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 25 – Blood Kata & Rosary Beads

21 Feb

I was raised Roman Catholic and therefore became familiar with the practice of using Rosary Beads to facilitate prayer and meditation. I have to admit that after completing the sacrament of Confirmation (sometime around 1976), my use of Rosary Beads ceased. Or, did it. 

My regular readers know that an integral part of my daily Esoteric Kata practice includes not only precursor Kata, the Sacred Trinity of Kata and Zazen, but also the unique Ghost Hand Kata. .

I was performing a highly advanced version of the Ghost Hand Kata . It occurred to me that what I was doing was akin to using Christian Rosary Beads to facilitate prayer. This struck me as profound. 

To help me better understand the similarity between the Rosary and Kata performed with a prayerful intention, I began to list a few common traits:

  • •Both involve combining mind, body and soul or spirit into one activity.
  • •Both are performed with Kime (mental & physical focus) and libidic energy, otherwise known as passion. Similar to the “Cry of the Soul.” (See Endnote # 2).
  • •There is a procedure, a series of independent “actions”, prayers that are linked into sequences. In the Rosary, these sequences are called “Decades” (See Endnote # 1). Taken together, the Decades form a cohesive whole. The cohesive whole is then capable of being reproduced by the performer. It is also capable of being transmitted, taught to another. It is also possible to be performed in a group. Again, all of the same is true of Kata.

I concluded my session and quietly sat with my dog, Maharet, looking out our bay window at the evening snowfall reflecting off house lights. It struck me that the analogy of the Rosary to the Ghost Hand Kata, actually extended to all Kata when performed specifically with the intention of prayer and sacrifice. I call this method of performing Kata “Blood Kata.” Please see: and .

This isn’t an article on the methodology of using the Rosary, so for those unfamiliar with the Rosary, I have placed a guide in Endnote # 1 which will acquaint you with same.

The concept of Kata as analogous to the Rosary is a matter that I hope to delve deeper into as I continue to explore my Esoteric Kata. As with other aspects of Esoteric Kata, I’ll post my continuing insights. In the meantime, continue your own Esoteric Kata journey with a pure heart, open mind and clean spirit. Until then, 

I remain,

  * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. The following guide was obtained form the US Conference Of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website:

The repetition in the Rosary is meant to lead one into restful and contemplative prayer related to each Mystery. The gentle repetition of the words helps us to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ’s spirit dwells.”


2. I derived the phrase “Cry of the Soul” from a book that I highly recommend to supplement your Esoteric Kata practice – “Psychic Self-Defense” by Dion Fortune, the nom-de-plume for Violet Mary Firth. The “Cry of the Soul” is described as: “(In) times of spiritual crisis, when the very self is being swept away, then it is that the cry of the soul is heard, and Something manifests out of the mists of the Unseen, manifests in a form that is comprehensible to the one who calls. Whether intense stress induces a temporary expansion of consciousness, a fugitive psychism, or whether a Being of its own volition passes through the veil and manifests, I do not know; there are never any details available of these incidents. They take place only in times of dire stress and go as swiftly as they came, leaving no trace except upon the soul.” Excerpt From: Fortune, Dion. “Psychic Self-Defense.” iBooks. 


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 24 – Non-physical Talisman – A Sign

5 Feb

I had recently finished filming a video discussing your obi as a talisman (see endnote # 1 for the video).  In the video I discuss how a physical object, such as your obi, can be imbued with sacred energy and become sanctified. Similarly, a non-physical concept, such as kata, can also be sanctified. (For Sanctifying your kata, please use this link: )

I wanted to find a practical example of a commonly used non-physical concept that is readily recognized as sanctified, or sacred. After filming, I engaged in my nightly Katannabis ritual mediation session. I finish by sitting in Zazen and –  answer came to me. This is that answer.

I was raised Roman Catholic. That was the religious training that was chosen for me at birth by my parents. Naturally therefore, my answer comes from that perspective. In the Catholic tradition, there is a physical gesture, a Kata, if you will, that encompasses the sacred, holy, aspects of a gesture. That gesture, or Kata, is what is known as the “Sign of the Cross.” The Sign-of-the-Cross Kata involves making a cross either upon your body or in the air, as in the case of of Priest blessing his congregation. Not withstanding that the Kata, the Sign Of The Cross, has sacredness in and of itself, such sacredness or holiness can be augmented. (please see Endnote # 2) 

It is the spiritual, religious symbolism that invokes the sacred sanctification of the gesture. That symbolism is inherently Holy to the practitioner. Naturally, this being a Christian gesture, it has no significance whatsoever to a person of the Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, or any other religious faith. In fact, given different sects of Catholicism and Christianity, the gesture may only have relevance within a specific sub-sect of the followers of Christ.

So too with the physical gesture of Kata. If you make a Kata sanctified and sacred to you, it is in fact sacred, Holy – to YOU. The only question is one that invokes external perceived power to the person making the gesture. It s that external power that is so abused to the point of not being ostracized, conversion torture (an anyone say “the Inquisition?”) but also all out war. The power I refer to is to motivate others to follow you and adopt your gesture as Holy, or sacred, or Divinely inspired. For once they adopt the power of that gesture, they submit to the power of your authority over the gesture. 

It is for that reasons the true practitioner of Esoteric Kata does not mandate that you adopt their Kata, their ritual, their prayers, their chants, their sacrifices or their interpretations as sacred. The path of Esoteric Kata is one that must be discovered by each and every practitioner on an individual basis – their is no collective ritual. It is true that one may say they are on the Mikkyo Kata-Do, the Path of Esoteric Kata (see endnote # 3). It is not proper at all and utterly forbidden that they mandate their specific Path be imposed upon another.

With that, I close, for now. I remain, 

 *(with the privilege and permission of the superiors)



2. It is interesting that during the Sign of the Cross, a practitioner can also chant, vis-a-vie, “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” To analogize the Sign with Kata, one needs to understand that prayer (chanting) can also be incorporated into Kata. See, for example:

3. This includes all subsets of Esoteric Kata (Mikkyo Kata-Do):


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 23 – Your Esoteric Kata Journal Is A Talisman

22 Jan

“It is said the warrior’s is the twofold Way of pen and sword, and he should have a taste for both Ways.”  — Miyamoto Musashi  

The study of martial arts in Japan has long been linked with literary and artistic studies. These studies include the art of calligraphy, called Shodo (“Show-dough”). (See Endnote # 1) In some ways, this was an early form of what we call in modern times, journaling.

In the practice of Esoteric Kata, such journaling, maintaining a record of your sessions, is of such extreme import that I list it as one of my guidelines for practitioners. You may view the guideline using this convenient link: . 

At the time I drafted the guidelines, the import of maintaining a journal, or record of your sessions, was to provide a platform for reviewing and evaluating your efforts. This allows you to develop and progress in your Esoteric Kata training. After a recent Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata and cannabis) session, I realized that there is a fortiori to keeping your journal.

That fortiori is that your journal of session notes becomes a sanctified talisman. I have long understood that the practice of Esoteric Kata can sanctify a Kata  (for more please use this convenient link: ). I did not realize that my session notes could and would become sanctified themselves. The notes themselves made during an Esoteric Kata session become charged with the Ki, Kime or libidic energy of the session. (See, for example, Endnote # 2)

The methodology is important. Here are some points to consider:

 To this end, my notes are always handwritten. I do not use my laptop or any mechanical means of writing or recording my session. I personally prefer to use one of my many fountain pens. I am able to indulge my two loves, Kata and the fountain pen. Use of a fountain pen is not necessary. It is; however, necessary that the notes be handwritten. 

 I also use symbols for each kata within my session. I started this practice over two years ago. Truthfully, I am not sure why, but it works and is fulfilling. In fact this has resulted in a very interesting Kata symbology. The symbols themselves, though a component of my session notes, also become individually sanctified;

 The format of my notes is basically the same format for each session. Kata symbols, other “standard” features, my notes for that specific session all appear on strategic locations on the page. This aids in the sanctification of the session notes. 

Imbued with this kinetic, libidic energy, the words on the page become a sanctified talisman. This extends to the entire page itself and ultimately to your entire journal which now also becomes a sacred talisman – charged with your thoughts, sweat, blood and energy. 

One may think of a holy book from the many religions. Originally, the holy words were transmitted via word-of-mouth, then the handwritten word. This had resulted in a holy book or scroll being imbued with not only beautiful calligraphy, iconography and art, but also esoteric, spiritual, libidic energy. Perhaps with the advent of the printing press, these once fiercely energetically-charged words lost some of their author-imbued energy. (See Endnote # 3)

You may also enjoy this video about a sacred talisman you wear each and every time you train:

Until the next submission, practice your Esoteric Kata with a pure heart and a clean spirt. Imbue your session journals with the energetic results of your practice. I remain, 

   *   (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. Many past masters of the martial arts were also masters of Shodo. Well-known martial artists such as Miyamoto Musashi; Aikido’s founder, Ueshiba Morihei Sensei; and Muto Ryu Kenjutsu’s founder, Yamaoka Tesshu Sensei, are all held in equally high regard as calligraphers. Yamaoka Sensei is a fine example of a master of the dual ways of Sho and Bu. Terayama Katsujo Sensei, in his foreword to The Sword of No-Sword, writes:

“Yamaoka Tesshu was an outstanding figure of the turbulent era that marked the birth of modern Japan . . .  a peerless swordsman who established the No-Sword School . . . and an unrivaled calligrapher who gathered all things of heaven and earth in his brush. Even today, nearly a century after his death, Tesshu’s incredible vitality can still be discerned in his brushwork.” (John Stevens, The Sword of No-Sword, Boulder: Shambhala,1984, p. vii.)

2. In Shodo, the Way of Calligraphy, the dynamic movement of the artist’s spiritual force, or Ki, becomes visible in the form of jet-black ink.  . . . In Zen and the Art of Japanese Calligraphy, Omori Sogen Roshi expresses this idea: The work of a Zen artist is permeated by what Hakuin called the “overwhelming force of enlightened vision.” That force is kiai. Ki, the energy of the cosmos, is always present but remains dormant if not cultivated. Kiai is to be full of ki; it is incorporated in the ink as bokki. Setsudo said about this: “Bokki . . . does not depend on the quality of the brush, ink, and paper. If one’s ki is not extended into the work, the bokki is dead.” The clarity of the bokki is not seen with the eyes, it is sensed with the hara, the physical and spiritual centre of one’s body. Bokki reveals the calligrapher’s inner light. (Omori Sogen and Terayama Katsujo, Zen and the Art of Japanese Calligraphy, Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983, p.10.)

3. Martial arts author Michel Random writes, “The (Shodo) brush in effect interprets the deepest part of the subconscious. The ‘wisdom of the eye’ is what relates the characters to each other as though assembling the movable and the immutable, the ego to the 10,000 things in the universe, the present to the timeless.”


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 22 – Father’s Day & St. Christopher

22 Jun

Father’s Day, 2023, specifically 5:45 am on said day. 

My Father, who passed away in 2012, puts his hand on my shoulder.

Wreckage from the night before – another “crisis” needing my attention, energy & resolution. Out of bed, not tired, but weary. Unusual for me, I immediately dress to leave the house. I grab the same pair of pants from the day before, folded on my chair, everything already in the pockets, to facilitate a quick departure. A quick brush of my teeth and its down the stairs to fire up the bike and ride out to deal with the issue at hand. 

I got within two steps from the bottom when something fell out of my left front jean pocket. I bent down to pick it up and saw that it was a St. Christopher medal. That was weird on several fronts:

The St. Christopher medal was my father’s. He gave it to me around 2008 to keep me safe when I was making cross country motorcycle trips from my house in Arizona to the family encampment in New Jersey;

  • •Since then, it always stays on me in a pocket or a bag on my bike;
  • •All my immediate family has passed. First my father in September 2012, the my brother (3 years younger than me) in December 2020 and finally my mother in July 2022;
  • •With them gone, I quasi-look after my brother’s widow and son, the source of the latest crisis;
  • •I was wearing my pants as I walked down the stairs, my left front pocket, which isn’t ripped, had the only opening pointing upwards;
  • •The St. Christopher medal fell out of my pocket on Father’s Day!

But strangest of all, at the exact moment I needed it the most, it was there – it gave me a sense of comfort. That the weight I carried wasn’t actually that heavy, I was stronger than most and certainly stronger than those in the crisis. 

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski

 *  (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 21 – Why Keep A Katannabis Journal

20 Mar

It’s been quite a while since I posted a journal entry. Frankly, and I don’t know why, I’ve felt compelled to disseminate as much information as possible as to the process of developing your own Katannabis. The result is this new resource section . This link has all your Katannabis resources.

For this journal entry, I’d like to share with you a few of my raw journal notes.

I keep a pad and my beloved fountain pens handy during all of my Katannabis sessions. I want to contemporaneously memorialize my observations and experiences while I am within the throes of the session. After I complete the session, I make my final notes. On a weekly basis I compile all my raw notes and make a list of those areas that require a more detailed exploration. In my experience, topics such as “time-slip,” “spatial distortion,” and the “Mandala-effect,” to name a few are a direct result of this process.

My detailed notes are then filed into one of my many Katannabis three-ring binder type notebooks. These notebooks are organized generally as to the substantive process of Katannabis, effects and experiences of Katannabis, “higher dimensional” notes, psychic self-defense notes and other highly advanced Katannabis experiences. 

I highly encourage you to maintain your own Katannabis journal. It is very important in early stages of Katannabis. I don’t think you can have a rewarding Katannabis experience without documenting your steps along the way. Trust me, your notes will be necessary as you modify your Katannabis syllabus. To this day, two decades later, though I have a core of Kata within my Katannabis syllabus, I still make adjustments to the order in which they are performed and other such adjustments. It is in the modifications that your experiences become heightened.

In addition, when you have a Katannabis experience, you want to document not only the experience but the conditions that gave rise to it. This serves a two-fold purpose. If the experience is positive, you will want to replicate it. If an experience cannot be replicated then it may not be an epiphenomenon of your Katannabis. It may simply be a one-time coincidence. 

If, on the other hand, your experience is one that is unpleasant, and “Yes,” you will have such an experience. You will want to fully understand the experience and the manner in which it arose. Then you can make an informed decision as to whether such an experience was an epiphenomenon of your Katannabis and if so, how to avoid it.

I know this sounds a bit like school and homework. You can make the process enjoyable. I love the feel of writing with a fountain pen, so I keep my pens handy during Katannabis. Each pen is filled with its own unique ink which adds to the enjoyment. I also include little sketches and diagrams. An artist I am not, but again, this adds to the overall experience. In fact, I look at the journaling process as a “Kata” within my syllabus. And, “Yes,” the act of writing can be looked at as a Kata. 

Katannabis ritual meditation is a serious endeavor. That being said, in addition to be enlightening, thought-provoking and eye-opening, it should be enjoyable. In my experience, I find the act of memorializing my experiences adds to such enjoyment. Have a puff or an edible, do you Kata and get out that pen and paper. Until next time, 

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque * 

Sensei John Szmitkowski

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Katannabis Syllabus & Resources

13 Feb

New To Katannabis?

Katannabis Initiates Start Here

ALL, I repeat, ALL Katannabis methods, curriculum and resources will be conveniently archived here. Simply put, this is your starting point and continuing point of reference.  

Note that many of the articles contain photos of my handwritten journals. Please click and the photos and read them! They were often made during or immediately after my Katannabis sessions. As such, they contain some of my most contemporaneous insights. My entire Katannabis journal is well over 300 pages, so avail yourself of this powerful resource and “click the pic!”

Follow my Katannabis on Instagram at “1day1lifetime”

Cannabis As An Entheogen 



Need for guidelines:

Guideline # 1: Respect The Katannabis Ritual

Guideline # 2: Dosage

Guideline # 3: Post-Katannabis Kata-Rx (Exiting Katannabis):

Guideline # 4: Keep A Journal:

The curriculum is divided into two sub-categories. First and foremost, as that is the most convenient for me, is the curriculum for martial artists that are already intimately familiar with kata. Second, is the curriculum for non-martial artists that with to delve into Katannabis ritual mediation.

Curriculum Overview (For those readers familiar with Kata):

My Katannabis Curriculum (for reference):

Designing your own Katannabis curriculum using the Kata of your system:

“Levels” of Katannabis meditation – an overview template:

Modifying existing Kata to enhance your Katannabis meditation experience:

Transition Your Kata Experience from the physical to the ritual with Kata Labs:           

Guideline # 3: Post-Katannabis Kata-Rx (Exiting Katannabis): ..

Levels of Katannabis meditation (In-depth):

General commentary: I would suggest that you understand each level and begin to fit your Kata within each level. Start by practicing the entire Kata syllabus you have developed, but deep dive into one level at a time then move on when comfortable but revisit prior levels more deeply.

Level I Kata:

Level II Kata:

Level III Kata:

Level IV Kata:

Level V Kata:

Level VI Kata:

Zazen (Seated Meditation):

Relationship of Zazen & Kata:

 Add To You Kata To Enhance The Mandala Effect: .

Zanshin (Remaining Mind):  carry the enlightenment with you – Nenjuushin (Everyday Mind)

Epiphenomenon to be aware of with Katannabis:

Esoteric Kata (& Katannabis) – The Dark Side: A Primer: . 

Kata of the Mind, Introduction:

Souvenir-Effect of Katannabis: Introduction:

Spatial Distortion (link to introductory comments – detailed discussions can be found on the “Advanced Resources” tab below)

Time slip (link to introductory comments – detailed discussions can be found on the “Advanced Resources” tab below)

Prayer-effect & Kata Sacrifice (Introduction):

Katannabis – Prayer-effect:

Katannabis as a Sacrifice to prayer:

Mandala effect of Kata:


A Little Mandala Fun:

Esoteric Zanshin – A Primer: enjoy

For Your Consideration:

Your Obi, A toll of the Shaman:

My full Katannabis journal (in reverse chronological order):

I have spent the last twenty of my over fifty year Kata experience experimenting with Katannabis (Kata combined with the cannabis entheogen as a mediation ritual). An integral; part of my Katannabis journey has been to document and memorialize my methods, experiments, findings and experiences. Here I will share with you some of the Katannabis meditation experiences and phenomenon, good and bad, that I have experienced over the years. Naturally, this is an abridged sharing. If I shared the full content of my ten notebooks, well, it would be voluminous.

You may view my journal (in reverse chronological order) by clicking this link:

My personal journal of Katannabis insights & experiences:

Advanced Topics (NOT for the Faint-at-heart)

The following topics are reserved for the Advanced Katannabis practitioner and beyond the reach of the beginner. Frankly, peruse, read and study these topics ONLY if you have at least one year of Katannabis experience. To do otherwise is to court danger:

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque 

Sensei John Szmitkowski


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 20 – The Picture

18 Apr

I’ve had some, oh shall we say, unusual experiences as a result of my exploration of Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of my Kata-Rx and medical cannabis). Some I have shared. One I recently shared is “The Umbrella” story.

Recently I had another experience. Unlike previous experiences that were unique in and of themselves, this one had a message. It hinted at the way forward for me to navigate an unbalanced situation. Since my brother’s untimely death in December 2020, I was estranged from my mother. It was a weight. It seemed there was no end in sight. Reconciliation goes both ways. We both needed first to be open to the idea then bold enough to see it through. When and how was a mystery that loomed large. 

That changed early one morning in February at a garbage transfer station in Fairview, New Jersey. 

It was a normal work day, except for the cold, grey, dreariness that is. The first order of business is to dump the prior days construction waste and “tear-down.” Now, the dump is my least favorite place to be. It starkly contains all the refuse of humanity. All the nasty-bits that we like to believe just mysteriously disappears by little waste management elves after we put it neatly curbside. 

I finished at the weigh station and turned the truck so that I could back into one of the five bays to dump. I began to back into position causing the ever present flock of seagulls to raise their voices in protest and begrudgingly scatter. The closer I got, the large piles of ripe, festering, oozing piles of garbage came into view. The crew and I exited the truck. They climbed onto the bed to begin throwing the debris of the truck. I carefully negotiated a path around the strewn debris and started to roll up the tie down straps. Something caught my eye. It was a small, maybe 6 x 8 picture frame. I finished lashing the last strap and went over to investigate. 

Why? I have no idea. But, it did strike me that here was this relatively new, undamaged picture frame laying face up, nice and neatly “displayed” on an open black bag of garbage. The bag itself lay a top a festering, stinking pile. It looked as if it was carefully placed on top of this mess. I picked it up and put on the reading glasses hanging around my neck. Looking at it, the little hairs on the back of my neck stood up. It wasn’t the bone chilling cold that did that, it was the image I saw. I decided I needed to take it home. It was prophetic. It provided a path forward. It was a guide. I made my way back to the cab and place it safely in my backpack. So what was in the frame?

Wow, talk about weird timing. On this cold day with wind chills in the teens, in the throes of wondering if my path could be balanced with my mother, I found this. Maybe not tea, but I sure could have used a hot cup of coffee and a time to think about what I just found – what were the odds? 

Was it coincidence? A sign “from Above?” Am answer to my prayers? A message? Dumb luck? I mean, “What the hell did I just stumble on?” “Was now the time to reconcile?”

Little did I know, this strange event was just the tip of the iceberg – – until recently – – – well, that is a profound and disturbing experience and frankly, I’m not ready to tell that tale (yet). At least I’m out of the hospital, oops I said too much.

Experience My Kata-Rx for FREE:

You can try my Kata-Rx for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class:

I remain,

walking my path,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 19 – Symbols Of The Shaman

21 Feb

There are no symbols of rank in either my Kata-Rx for Wellness program or my Katannabis (Kata-Rx entheogenically combined with medical cannabis). Karate was different. There were ten levels (called “Kyu” grades) from beginner to black belt. These levels being represented by various colored belts, starting with white, and/or stripes on the belt. At black belt there are also ten levels, called “Dan” grades. The lowest being first degree (San-dan) and the highest being tenth degree (Ju-dan). The various black belt degrees from fourth grade (Yon-dan) to tenth grade (Ju-dan) are somewhat exotic involving combinations of the colors black, red and white. For a description of the black belts in the Goshin-Do system please use this link

In the photo below are the three black belts that have the most meaning to me. They best represent my development and views on kata throughout the years. They are, my first degree black belt (now a grayish-white with age), my fourth degree (Yon-dan) belt, (red and white stripes on one side and black on the other) and my seventh degree black belt (Nana-dan) (red and black sides). See endnote # 1

You will notice the Kanji on the one tip it reads, “Ichi-Nichi Issho” or “One day one lifetime.” I was so enamored of this philosophy that, beginning with my fourth degree belt, every belt thereafter had the embroidery. I also named my Kata-Rx for wellness hallmark kata for the philosophy.

My original black belt represents the period during which I became comfortable with developing and experimenting with the physical aspects of kata. I had also earned the title of “Sensei” (literally “Before-being”, but loosely “Teacher”). This period brought about a deep rooted imagination to discover so-called “hidden” self-defense techniques in the Kata. Thus began a period of introspection and discovery.

Decades later I was awarded my fourth degree black belt and the title “Karate-Do Renshi” (karate advanced teacher or coach). At this time I began to develop my concept of the “Three battles of Kata” to represent the idea that there was more to kata than just the physical. There was the spiritual which codified state-of-minds, emotions and psyche and the environmental which represented the interrelationship between Kata and the physical environment. These were the earliest stages of my Kata-Rx for wellness program and its humble beginnings with my “Sanchin Kata for everyone” campaign and book.

Even more decades later when I was awarded my Seventh Degree (nana-dan), I began to develop my Katannabis program – the entheogenic combination of my Kata-Rx and medical cannabis as a meditative, mind-expanding practice.

So there you have it, the evolution of my Kata-Rx and Katannabis programs symbolized by three belts. I look at them now not as symbols or ranks, but as my “Symbols of the Shaman.” But, that is for another day.

Until the next time, I remain, 

Sensei John Szmitkowski

And by-the-way:

You can try my Kata-Rx for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class:


 1. I had passed my fifth degree black belt (same coloring as the fourth degree except that the white stripe is black) onto my senior black belt. I buried my sixth degree black belt (one side alternating red and white panels with the other side black) with my father who would drive me to my earliest lessons when I was ten years old.

Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

  • Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;
  • Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);
  • Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.


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Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 18 – Katannabis, Snowstorms & Darts

7 Feb

Two days snowed in! 

No internet, no cable t.v., both knocked out by the high winds. What to do? Katannabis*meditation three times a day, write, and throw darts (which helps me write). Invent an entirely new, unheard of dart practice routine? Sure, why not.

It was the day after “Snowmaggedon.” Outside temps being in the single digits with below zero wind chills I didn’t mind staying in and having an extra day off work. I finished my noon time (second for the day) Katannabis. I took a break from writing.  I was practicing darts while watching “Bellies and Bullseyes” on YouTube when an idea for a new practice routine came to mind. I thought it through and then tried it and Damn it was fun!

Generally I find that after a good Katannabis meditation session my darts throwing is fluid and smooth. My mind is free of pressure and the idea of “achieving results” or improving. I simply throw for enjoyment and relaxation. True, I do want to hit the target, but thats a mere desire. I don’t add-on baggage and pressure. This allows my mind to wander (rather than concentrate on practice). 

As such, my darts practice is undisciplined. It but it generally contains a few simple routines:

1. throwing the cricket numbers counting the total number of hits;

2. twenty darts at 20 (100 darts at 20 once a week);

3. take out 121;

4. 20 darts at double 16, 8, 20, 10;

5. around the board counting the number of hits.

I have a few dart set ups in my collection, including one prized somewhat rare set from Accudart. I throw then all. (See endnote # 1) Choice of dart varies mostly depending on my mood, but sometimes my hand and joint discomfort will warrant one set over the others. At present I’m mostly throwing my newest set, the Shot Ronin Rei in 23 grams. 

I was feeling good from the Katannabis meditation session, comfortable with being “locked” inside and enjoying both the darts and the “Bellies and Bullseyes” when it hit me. How about playing a virtual game against once of these legendary pro players. As I threw more and more darts I let that idea germinate. Eventually I came up with this new, dare I say innovative, practice routine. I tried it and liked it. I wonder if anyone else has. Here’s what I came up with. Have you ever tried it? If not, give it a go and let me know what you think.

I put on a video of two players. In this instance as I was already watching Bellies and Bulleyes, I used one of the featured games. It was the championship match between Eric Bristow and Jocky Wilson (Episode Part 25 of Bellies and Bulleyes). Lets say I want to “play” a game versus Eric Bristow. I watch the video of him throwing. Then I throw when Jocky Wilson throws (you can pause the video if needed). I then continue in this manner until the game is done. If Bristow checked out and beat Wilson I look to see how my score faired against Wilson’s score. For instance Wilson my have been on 32 when I needed 132 to check out. If Bristow didn’t check out and Wilson won, then I see how my score faired against Bristow’s. I never checked out before the pro, but I can dream about it. Hmm, maybe a nine-darter!

Maybe it was the Katannabis, maybe I simply just had a really fun darts practice or simply enjoyed being home like a sixty year old school kid on a snow-day, but I had a helluva lot of fun with it. I hope you do to – – – 

And by-the-way you can try my Kata-Rx and Katannabis for FREE.

You can enroll my Kata-Rx for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class: – if you desire, just add your own medical cannabis.

* Katannabis is the entheogenic combination of my Kata-Rx program and medical cannabis.

Until the next time, I remain, 

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

  • Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;
  • Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);
  • Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.


1. My current darts include the following (screen shot from my GoDarts profile page):

Sensei’s Journal: Entry # 17 – Katannabis Inspired Musings

31 Jan

Musings from this week’s Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of my Kata-Rx for wellness program and medical cannabis).

Katannabis often gives me insights into various matters. I record the more interesting ones in a journal. Sometimes they ripen into an article that I share here: ; More often not, they remain my personal insights which I tend to hoard. This week I thought I’d share with you some of my journal entries – my rough musings from Katannabis. In the event that any of these musings ripen into a future article, I’ll attach a link here.

1. In order to make it seem like I know what I’m talking about, I want to start with insights into the practice of Katannabis itself.

Continuing to explore Seienchin Kata as it symbolizes Dante’s Portal in the inferno I had the following insights:

  • First, the line “Before me nothing was created” is entangled with the title of “Sensei” which literally means “Before-being.”
  • Second, in the passage ” and when he placed his hand on mine, with a cheerful look from which I took comfort, he led me amongst the secret things.” I now understand that the “He” is Me (influenced by Katannabis in general and Seienchin in particular).

Exploration of and insights into the Suparunpei Kata as to the mandala-effect of performing two specific sections of the Kata with eyes closed and while being conscious of Dante’s Portal.

2. I had some truly noteworthy experiences performing Katannabis:

Wednesday morning while performing my pre-dawn Seipai Kata at the shop where the truck is parked, I was treated to a spectacularly bright view of the planet Venus.

Thursday night I performed Sanchin outside in the cold, clear night under the constellation Orion. It was enhanced by the melodic, haunting sound of a flute. One of my neighbors was either playing the instrument or listening to it.

3. Now for some of my general insights and musings during Katannabis:

I understand (and accept) that “Unwellness subsidizes wellness.” Damn, I really have to write more about that.

My average blood pressure of 153/81 mathematically results in a redigit,specifically 1.888888888888 to infinity

I came up with a new darts practice game. Generally, my dart game (after a good Katannabis session) is improving. I track my results on GoDart.Com

Its now Sunday and I’m starting to compose this article, aided by daily Katannabis sessions during the weekend. Rumor has it that the storm has caused a disruption in product deliveries. Maybe, just maybe we’ll be off Monday and I’ll have another day of intense Katannabis meditation sessions.

And by-the-way You can experience Katannabis for FREE:

Simply combine your medical cannabis and my Kata-Rx which you can try for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class:

Until the next time, I remain, 

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

  • Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;
  • Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);
  • Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.


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