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#BNDChallenge – Module #4: The Souvenir Effect

19 Jul

This post is the fourth post in a series designed to assist you with your #BNDChallenge (“Broken Not Defeated” challenge) sponsored by Reaper Apparel Co. If you are new to this series, please start with module # 1, which you can access using this convenient link: Using the above link you can access two free meditation techniques to assist you with fulfilling your daily #BNDChallenge.

Not part of the BNDChallenge? To get your apparel with 15% off and sign up the for BND challenge please use this link:

Now for this installment:

You may not realize it but by completing your #BNDChallenge, you are actually giving yourself souvenirs. The two free meditation Kata that I provided in the earlier installments of this series of posts are, in fact, free souvenirs. Additionally, your #BNDChallenge t-shirt from Reaper Apparel Co is a souvenir of your efforts. 

As to my two free Kata, I call this phenomenon the “Souvenir-effect of Kata.” I have long espoused the benefits of the souvenir-effect.  You may use the following convenient links to learn how you can incorporate the souvenir-effect into your own #BNDChallenge. The first is a discussion of the souvenir-effect –

The second provides guidance as to refreshing your recollection with ka

Like any souvenir, your #BNDChallenge souvenirs can and should be used to rekindle your memories and experiences during the challenge. These memories will nurture you as you continue the journey you have already started. 

Until next time enjoy and good luck with your personal #BNDChallenge. Now, put on your challenge t-shirt, do your Kata and complete the daily challenge steps – then, repeat tomorrow.

Not part of the BNDChallenge? To get your apparel with 15% off and sign up the for BND challenge please use this link:

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Bonus: For an article describing my daily Kata as my daily caesurae, please use this convenient link:


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#BNDChallenge – Module # 3: Sanchin Kata Moving Meditation – Introduction

13 Jul

Let’s keep on the path of our #BNDChallenge. First perform the Ghost Hand visualization module for the initial five minutes of your daily meditation. If you’re a newcomer to this series, please use the #BNDChallenge category link on the right side to access previous modules.

If your unfamiliar with Reaper Apparel Co’s #BNDChallenge, you may use this link to sig-up and receive a 15% discount –

This post will introduce you to the second of my meditation modules. This module will lay the cornerstone of a very powerful Kata called Sanchin. Sanchin Kata lies at the heart of the concept of “Moving Meditation.” 

As you can see from the Kanji, the word Sanchin is composed of two root words. The root word “San” means “Three” and the root word “Chin” means “Battle”. The word “battle” does not refer to warfare; rather, “battle” refers to conditions, or aspects requiring attention and cultivation by the performer of the Sanchin Kata. Thus, while Sanchin literally means “Three Battles” , the interpretation of the Kanji should be extended to mean “three aspects of the human condition.” Through the regular performance of the Sanchin Kata the three aspects of the human condition are incubated, nurtured and evolved so as to facilitate an enraptured human experience. 

At this juncture I’ll give you a rudimentary delineation of the three battles as:

  • Breathing;
  • Bodily movement;
  • State of Mind.

Let’s get started with Sanchin. 

In my Katannabis Meditation session last night I remembered a video I had prepared to help people use Sanchin as a means of maintaining lung capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation is a good introduction to Sanchin Kata. So as to allow me the time to build upon these modules for you in the BNDChallenge series, it is a real good starting point. You may access that free class using this link – “Sip of sanchin” –

To add that introduction to Sanchin into your daily meditation as part of the #BNDChallenge, I would recommend the following:

First, perform the Ghost-hand Kata. Try to perform at least the single hand version with the correct gazing technique as described in the prior class. Again, you can access prior modules using the #BNDChallenge category tab to the right.

Next, perform the breathing and dynamic tension methodology from the “Sip of Sanchin” above.

Lastly, sit in Zazen (seated meditation), breath in the manner of Sanchin (deep abdominal breathing, but without dynamic tension). Use my favorite visualization technique to shut out extraneous thoughts – close your eyes and visualize the Ghost Hand Kata (single hand version). “Feel” the flow of the hand movements with your mind. Then strive to quiet your mind.

The above should fulfill at least the required fifteen minutes of mediation in the BNDChallenge.

Again, my preference is to perform the above three modules during the entire course of my day.

In closing this submission I’ll note that it occurred to me that my entire #Coronapause (see endnote # 1) category of posts also would apply here to the #BNDChallange, so here’s a link to all posts. Please feel welcome to incorporate any aspects of that series into your #BNDChallenge. Full #Coronapause itinerary:

Once again, to get your BNDChallenge apparel at 15% off and sign up the for BND challenge please use this link:

More Sanchin Modules to come, but you can check out the whole Sanchin Kata in the videos below.

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski

  *. (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. During the Covid-19 crisis, I had watched a news conference with Governor Cuomo from New York. He had adopted the phrase “Coronapause” so as to indicate the shut-down and other measures were but a pause. Ironically, that’s exactly what you need from the #BNDChallenge – a phase from the, well, let’s call it what it is — the absurdity of what life sometimes throws at ya.

Note: – I will teach you more of Sanchin in future #BNDChallenge posts. You can, and should perform Sanchin Kata, ANYwhere, ANYtime you need it. Here’s fun video of the full Sanchin Kata during a motorcycle ride when I lived in Arizona – enjoy. If I did this right you may have access to my full Sanchin Kata playlist, we’ll see:


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#BNDChallenge – Module #2: Ghost Hand Kata Meditation

13 Jul

Now to the nuts and bolts of helping you along the path of meditation, step five, in the daily #BNDChallenge. (Remember to get your #BNDChallenge apparel at 15% off and sign up the for BND challenge using this link: ).

Trying to meditate ten to fifteen minutes may prove difficult and frustrating – even to those who already meditate. To bridge the gap towards meditation, I would suggest three distinct techniques, each for a period of five minutes.

This post will merely scratch the surface of each so as to get you started as quickly as possible. Future posts will build upon the cornerstones set in this post. 

The first technique is a Kata I call the Ghost-Hand Kata. 

It is simple to learn and quite fulfilling to perform each day. I already have the free resources on this website, so please use this link to the Ghost Hand Kata meditation posts:

I would recommend that you learn the Kata in a few sessions. Begin with the single hand version on your first day. Follow along with the video until you memorize the easy-to-do hand movements.

On the second day incorporate the double hand version and then the Gazing technique on the third. The Gazing Technique is extremely important for developing your meditation in the future. Once again, the gazing technique is extremely important. These links are always available, so don’t rush. Relax and enjoy.

The second technique is to incorporate Sanchin Kata.

This cornerstone will be set in the next module, which I have already posted (see the #BNDChallenge category to the right or search #BNDChallenge in the search tab.

The third technique is Zazen (seated meditation).

Generally the position for Zazen is to sit on a floor or mat with legs crossed, or in “Seize” posture as in the photo, hands relaxed and positioned in one of various ways atop your legs. Your back is straight, head-up, shoulders down. That’s fine, but don’t overburden yourself. Frankly, that position may not be comfortable for you. Sit comfortably, in a chair if necessary with hands relaxed, head-up and back straight to facilitate breathing. Breathe naturally in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Now, the proverbial “clear your mind of all external thoughts, think of your breathing, in – out, in – out.” Okay, not easy, so let’s do this. As you breathe, quiet your mind to all thoughts except the Ghost-hand module we did earlier. Direct your mind to what you perceived during your Boketto. Then direct it to recall the effect of your Ghost hands. Eventually, let your mind drift away to its own quiet place. Try to remain in Zazen for the full five minutes, even if your mind drifts. As we build the three modules, you will build upon your visualization repertoire.

Great! You just spent fifteen minutes in meditation! For today, step five of your #BNDchallenge complete – for today. Tomorrow, repeat.

I’ll be on the road shooting more photos and videos to help you with you daily meditation. Until then, I’m in the wind.

Again, to get your BNDChallenge apparel at 15% off and sign up the for BND challenge please use this link:

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque

Sensei John Szmitkowski

 * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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#BNDChallenge – Module # 1: I Bought A T-Shirt, I Think You Should Too

13 Jul

A social media post/advertisement from Reaper Apparel Co, recently caught my eye. Surfing the site, I saw the #BNDchallenge – “Broken Not Defeated.” I signed up and received e-mails about the #BNDChallenege and was impressed. Clearly, this wasn’t a marketing ploy. It was sincere, sincere to the point where it was obvious that the sponsor of the challenge was amongst the BND community themselves.

With my 52 years of experience in karate, I thought that this would fit nicely with my Kata-Rx For Wellness, Katannabis and forthcoming Esoteric Kata projects, so I applied for a “Brand Ambassador” discount and ordered a couple of t-shirts. Now, you can use my link from Reaper Apparel to receive a 15 percent discount on your purchases.

I realized it was my “giri” to be a part of this endeavor. (See endnote # 1). You see, I have been blessed beyond any expectation. It is that blessing that now mandates this giri and its extension to the #BNDChallenge. (See endnote # 2) Frankly, by making my insights available free of any charge to those who may be helped walking life’s path, I can try to fulfill my debt.

So, sign up for the BNDChallange using the link below, buy a BND T-shirt or hooded sweatshirt (yeah at my age, I don’t say “Hoodie”) follow and work their guidelines. 

Here’s how I think I can help you in fulfilling your #BndChallenge.

Step number 5, is to meditate ten to fifteen minutes a day. If you never meditated this is difficult. Here’s where I can be of assistance.  NOTE: I’ll post all techniques in the #BNDChallenge category tab to the right side of this page, or use the #BNDChallenge in the search tab for easy access.

The martial arts, including karate, includes a practice called Kata. At its highest, esoteric nature, Kata is moving meditation. I will post techniques that will teach you these esoteric insights. They are easy to learn and easy to “master” – it only took me fifty-two years. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I’ll help you take it.

Here’s what I have in mind to help you fulfill your own #BNDChallenege:

I’ll introduce you to two ancient karate Kata and a Zazen (seated meditation) visualization technique. Don’t panic! You do NOT have to be an athlete. With my help you can perform them sitting down, and even in bed (this was extremely important during the chemo days). The two Kata are called Sanchin Kata (meaning “Three Battles”) and the Ghost-hand Kata (a hyper-visualization kata). Follow my free posts here.

So get started, sign-up using the link below. You’ll receive the full #BNDChallange direct from Reaper Apparel Co. I have already posted the next two modules to help you with your #BNDChallenge – Module # 2: Ghost Hand Kata Meditation and module # 3: Sanchin Kata Meditation (Introduction). Subscribe to my site if you’d like, if not check back often for my free posts using the #BNDChallenge in the search bar above or hit the BNDChallenge category tab on the right side of this page.

To get your apparel with 15% off and sign up the for BND challenge please use this link:

In the next post, we’ll take the first step along the BNDChallenge path together with Kata.

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski

 * (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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Katannabis – Unique Ghost Hand Kata: Learn this powerful Kata for FREE

30 Jun

An integral part of my daily Kata-Rx for Wellness and Katannabis Ritual Meditation is my Ghost Hand Kata. The Ghost Hand Kata is a powerful mediative kata with ancient esoteric roots buried within old-school karate disciplines. It is deceptively easy to learn, difficult to master, but highly fulfilling. In this series of posts, I’ll teach you my Ghost Hand Kata meditation method. You can then perform the Ghost Hand Kata with or without the cannabis entheogen.

For your convenience, I’ll resource all posts here on this page. I recommend and encourage you to acquaint yourself with the Ghost Hand Kata in the order presented:

Learning syllabus:

I hope you enjoy experiencing and experimenting with the Ghost hand Kata. Until next time,

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


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