Katannabis: Transcending Dimensions – Introduction

7 Jul

During a Katannabis session, there are two main plains or dimensions which are transcended, or breached depending on your point of view. These are the physical and the non-physical. The physical is the three dimensional, seen world within which we reside and are able to experience with our senses. The non-physical is, well, everything else. This encompasses the non-physical, the unseen and that which escapes our sensory perception. It is worth noting that science continues to expand upon the Unseen domain more and more. One simple example would be wavelengths of light that our eyes are incapable of seeing (x-rays, ultraviolet, infrared, etc). Another would be the so-call “Dark matter” and “Dark energy” of the world of physics which can be mathematically proven, experimentally measured but escapes our senses and our understanding. In fact, as you read this, science tells us that trillions of unseen particles called “Neutrinos” were passing through your body. Amazing, isn’t it?

What I want to generally touch upon here is an overview of the means by which the physical dimension is transcended. The means of transcending, for me, is Katannabis. For those unfamiliar with Katannabis, it is my combination of Kata and Cannabis in a meditation ritual. This is not to say that other esoteric means, such as that of the Shaman, Monk, Medicine man, etc are inferior. The opposite is true. All means are valid; however, they must be identified, studied and capable of being taught. Again, for me it is Katannabis. 

It must be understood that my Katannabis experimentation began prior to “educational” research with books, videos and internet resources. I documented my experiments, my experiences, my “findings,” if you will, and then researched to see if others had the same experiences using different methods. I was greatly and pleasantly surprised that others, walking a different path, described similar experiences. So, always bear in mind, what I disclose is what I experienced first hand, both pleasant and unpleasant. The Katannabis resources on this website should be but a guide for you. Your experiences, enabled by Katannabis, will be – YOUR OWN. Do not left me influence you. Walk the fine line of following my lead, let me guide you but not influence you. I am your “Sensei.” (See Endnote # 1) Follow me from the physical to the non-physical of the non-physical dimension of energy and potential. But always remember, I merely point the way, or more accurately, one of the possible ways. You walk the path.

How do we transcend from the physical to the non-physical? 

First, understand that on the “other side” are non-physical residents of that dimension. These citizens, in some circles of practitioners, are known collectively as the “Pre-Adamics.” They are those who existed prior to man, represented as “Adam.” To them you may have breached, not transcended the portal. Imagine being in your living room relaxing and some one just “pops” into your room. How welcoming will you be? So, transcend cautiously and above all respectfully. Don’t be an obnoxious spiritual tourist or a “Spiritual-Karen” to use a modern designation.

The process of using Katannabis to transcend the physical is one I can only describe as “ascending levels or plateaus” of experiencing “reality.” The lowest plateau, or step, is that of entirely physical experiences. Each successive plateau or step reduces the physicalness of the experience. You are still grounded in the physical and, your body anyway, always will be. It is your non-physical self or aspect that moves along the plateaus. Ultimately rising to a full non-physical experience of the physical dimension. It is at that point that you can transcend, or breach, through the portal to experience the non-physical dimension. You let the non-physical aspect of your physical being penetrate the portal. (See endnote # 2). 

This is much akin to vivid dreaming whereby your body remains in bed and your mind travels unfettered. Note; however, that even in dreams, your body “experiences” the results of this travel. You may “feel” pain, cold, hot, rain, etc. But you are safe in bed dreaming. In Katannabis you are awake, moving in meditation, but your non-physical self is experiencing a different dimension. 

Once you cross the portal to the first level of the non-physical realm you are in uncharted territory. You can look online, in ancient texts and other resources and you will find a cornucopia of graphics of the non-physical realms. (See Endnote # 3). The Zohar is perhaps the most common with its depiction of the Sefirot,  but there are many, many more (see Endnote # 4). I choose to label the non-physical realms as uncharted in this article for two main reasons:

  • The non-physical realms can never be fully mapped show as to be “provable” in this physical dimension;
  • My personal experience is such that, like the physical world we live in, one can only experience a small portion of the realm at any point in time. An analogy would be me standing in my backyard while attempting to diagram the entire planet – doesn’t work. The same is true of the non-physical realms. You can only experience one aspect or location at a time.

So, in future article when I describe and attempt to chart my experiences. Please keep in mind that they are just that – my experiences. Transcending the various regions of the non-physical dimension isn’t like a series of steps leading to a plateau, rather, it is like a wave-function. You adjust your energy so as to vibrate along a wave function to the desired frequency of the region you choose to inhabit. Yeah, I know, it sounds very, very cliche; but it is what it is. 

Much more will follow, but for now, tread cautiously, be respectful at all times, observe and adhere to the guidelines as they are revealed to you.

Cum superiorum privilegio veniaque *

Sensei John Szmitkowski

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)


1. The word “Sensei” is composed of two words – “Sen” meaning “Before” and “Sei” meaning “Being. Thus a Sensei means literally, “Before-Being” or “One who came to knowledge before another.” I use the phrase – “one who came to knowledge before another and cautiously, maybe begrudgingly, shares that knowledge when another is ready to receive it.”

2. The process of transcending or breaching the portal is one of three possibilities that I have experienced to day. Though in my writings I have expressed them in physical terms, they are entirely non-physical. I have detailed these processes in my Katannabis journals. I will release those details – eventually. For now, simply understand the general idea. Also bear in mind these are my terms used to as accurately as possible describe my experiences in transcending from the physical to the non-physical. The first is the process of “extraction” whereby the non-physical pulls you into its dimension. The second is “ejaculation” where you expel yourself through and into the non-physical. The third is a hybrid method involving both simultaneously. This is the most powerful, and subsequently most exhausting. 

3. In my earlier writings, I chose to call the first non-physical dimension the “Yataalii” dimension. For now, understand it is derived from a Navajo word describing the Shaman that kept the people in “Harmony.” I did this to avoid Judeo-Christian and other religious baggage with such words as “Eden,” “Yesod,” ”Shambala,” “Nirvana,” and the like. I’ll post more on this topic down the road.

4. Currently I am engaged in deep Katannabis mediation using as my guide the Gospel of Mary and the Pistas Sophia as they portray the non-physical realm described as the Pleroma. I am not endorsing these views over any other views. I have; however had unbelievable, extremely satisfying experiences using these guides. Perhaps, I will disclose some in the future.


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