Tag Archives: #Mental Health

Katannabis Kata – Modifications – Fuku & Gekisai Kata Part 1

25 Apr

In my upcoming Katannabis* classes and videos I’ll provide insight into the syllabus of kata used in the ritual. For those unfamiliar with the term, “Katannabis” is the name I’ve given to my combination of Kata-RX and medical marijuana that provides a rich and fulfilling entheogenic meditative experience.

Katannabis kata are traditional karate kata that I slightly modified to enhance the entheogenic experience. In these blogs, I’ll be disclosing and discussing some of those modifications.

First allow me to address the purpose for modification.Katannabis does not emphasize self-defense. It emphasizes spirituality. Thus changes are made to foster that emphasis. It is important to note that the changes do; however, maintain martial efficacy. This is a hallmark of kata in general. Further, the changes also inspire a martial analysis, called “Bunkai,” so as to understand the practical self-defense application of the modification made for Katannabis.

Let’s turn to the first two kata in the Katannabis ceremony, Fuku and Gekisai Kata. I modified the opening and forward punches performed in both kata. Traditionally, As you can see in the videos, Fuku opens by stepping forward to a right Sanchin stance while executing a right closed middle block with Sanchin breathing and dynamics. Gekisai opens by stepping forward to a right Sanchin stance while executing a double closed middle block with Sanchin breathing and dynamics. I modified Fuku to open the same as Gekisai. My reasoning is that any lost bunkai (analysis of the kata, see Endnote number 1) is offset by the advantage of illustrating the inter-connectivity of kata. This is in reflection of a similar opening being maintained through Sanchin, Suparunpei and kata outside of the Goshin-Do style such as Sanseiryu and Shishoshin (and others that I am unaware of as they are outside of my Kata syllabus).

I also slightly modified the mechanics of punching. This modification serves two purposes. First, it again should the concept of unification of the kata within Katannabis (all kata are hidden in each other so as to form one conceptual kata). Second, the modification pays homage to the implied fighting distance reflected within each kata opening. (See Endnote # 1).

You can see both the traditional kata openings and the Katannabis kata modifications in these two videos.

Fuku Kata:

Gekisai Kata (For those viewers that find the traditional opening a bit unusual that is because the Goshin-Do Karate Gekisai is not derived from either Gekisai-Dai-Ichi not Gekisai-Dai-Ni, but is actually drawn from the Gekisai-Da-San Kata of Sensei Seikichi Toguchi.

Respectfully submitted,

Sensei John Szmitkowski


1 – By analyzing the first two moves of Fuku and Gekisai Kata, an implied distancing (“Ma’ai”) is found unique to each. Fuku that starts with the above opening and proceeds by stepping forward to a left front stance executing a left lunge punch emphasizes a middle distance fight. Such a fight occurs at a distance whereby each opponent must step forward to contact the opponent with a hand strike or kick with the rear leg so as to cover distance. Further the opening posture of having one hand in front of you and one hand back in chamber represents a defensive posture where the desire to block and immediately counter is illustrated. By starting with a double hand middle bock and a stationary reverse punch, Gekisai indicates a close distance fight. In such a fight the desire is, first and foremost, protection. This is because at close distance you can hit your opponent without stepping forward or quickly, and deceptively, kick with the front leg. There is no need to close distance. Thus, both hands are in front of your body.

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My Daily Kata-Rx & Katannabis

3 May

There’s been interest in my specific daily Katannabis / Kata-Rx routine. So, let me share it with you. If there’s anything that keeps me going it is this very routine.

Each day I engage in two Kata-Rx meditative session. One in the evening and one in the morning.

For my own reasons I consider the evening session the first session and the morning session the second. I’ll explain the import of this in a future article. What lay between, six days a week, is work, thus it becomes part of the meditative ritual. The hardships of earning a living are softened by transforming it from a physical activity to a spiritual meditative pursuit.

Through the unique blending of sessions, work, sandwiched in the middle, effectively becomes part of the session. As arduous and physically challenging that work is, it becomes part of my meditation. Thus, the physical demands of work are transformed into a spiritual endeavor. But much more on that in a future article.

      The first session is my evening session. I usually perform this session around 6:30. If I’m not home from work in sufficient time, I may abbreviate the evening session. This session is my Katannabis session (the entheogenic combination of my Kata-Rx and medical cannabis). During this session, I utilize a micro-dose of cannabis followed by my Katannabis ritual. I start by performing the various kata that are included in the ritual. This is then followed by ten minutes of my personalized zazen, seated meditation. I personalize my zazen by incorporating “Sa – Ta – Na – Ma” chanting, proceeding to a seated Ghost Hands Kata (single hand version) with additional meditative movements. Please recall that in the single hand version, you visualize performing the double hand version. Here’s a link for more details on my Zazen https://senseijohn.me/2021/01/18/senseis-kata-rx-journal-entry-2-my-daily-zazen/

The result of the Katannabis session is a deep-rooted, primordial sense of alert-calmness, a state I describe as an awakened erotic euphoria.

      My morning Kata-Rx session is performed in three distinct stages. At no time is medical cannabis involved in the morning session, thus it is a Kata-Rx session not Katannabis. The first stage is at home as I prepare for my work day. It involves performing various Katannabis Kata (without the medical cannabis). These kata will vary; however, I always perform the Kata Suparunpei. Every Wednesday I perform the Kunchaba Kata in memory of my friend and comrade Shihan Wayne Norlander, R.I.P. Right before I leave for work, I go outside, start my motorcycle and perform Sanchin Kata as the bike warms. I then leave.

      After I arrive at the shop, I text my wife I’m safe. Hey, first things first. I then sit on my bike and repeat my zazen ritual. In this session I only visualize performing the single hand version of my Ghost Hand Kata. Thus, I engage in a double visualization – visualizing performing the single hand Ghost Hand which includes a visualization of performing the double hand Ghost Hand Kata. Zazen concluded, my work day officially started. I’ll use my Kata-Rx as needed throughout the day to make it until the work days end when I again return home.

So that’s my daily Katannabis ritual (evening) and Kata-Rx meditation (morning). You can learn Kata-Rx for FREE in my online school using this secure link: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Well that’s my Kata-Rx session and Katannabis ceremony. Until next time, I remain,

Sensei’s Journal – Entry # 8: Bees & Dragons

22 Mar

A favorite practice in both my Kata-Rx For Wellness and Katannabis meditation (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx and medical cannabis) is to contemplate a koan, idea, concept or poem. Here is one example from last night’s Katannabis. This one is martial in nature. It was born of war.

In last night’s Katannabis, I used it to consider its application to a peaceful, serene lifestyle. Much of martial ideology superficially speaks in terms of conflict. A deeper understanding of it leads one down a peaceful path of conflict resolution.

The koan abbreviates a lesson from the wars of antiquity. The original can be found in Opinions In Ninety-Nine Articles”, Takeda Nobushige (1525-1561). The full text is: “One’s soldiers should not yell abuse at the enemy. An old saying goes, “Arouse a bee and it will come back at you with the force of a dragon.”

          Try Kata-Rx yourself for FREE:
You can try my Kata-Rx for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Here’s another example of Kata-Rx and a Koan you may enjoy filmed in a gentle snowfall.

Respectfully submitted,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

   Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;

    Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);

    Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;

    Kata Laboratory where you can “Think – Sweat – Experiment” with your Kata & Sensei John’s innovative concepts.

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.

Sensei’s Journal – Entry # 7: I Can Make God Smile

8 Mar

Monday, March 1st, 2021
A rare treat. A Monday morning Katannabis session (The entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx and medical cannabis). I woke and readied myself for work. At 6:15 am I found out work was cancelled due to heavy rain. By 7:30 I had started Katannabis. I had no idea that this impromptu session would, simply, blow-me-away.


Recently I added a recitation of the Christian “Act of Contrition” to my Katannabis sessions. (See Endnote) Why? I’m not sure. I guess as a means of atoning to That which is greater than me. I do this without religious connotations. The self-inventory, reflection and confession is a very cleansing experience. It enhances the overall effect of Katannabis.

That morning I intoned the traditional version but then just simply opened my heart. I talked to God plain, simple and frank, sometimes in course language. I then sat quietly in Zazen. I felt like I never felt before. My impromptu, unscripted confession and atonement was, pardon me, like a big spiritual bowel movement. The bowels of my soul unclogged, emptied, lightened. No longer bloated with accumulated spiritual waste, I can move forward.Whether or not my days of walking life’s path would continue is something outside of my control. Choosing to walk the Path in a righteous, ascendant manner is entirely within my control.To ascend as high as a flawed human being could go; to be God-like until the time comes when I am called to once again return to God.

It then occurred to me that this might make God happy. To see one of his creations reach up towards His lofty heights. Maybe God would even “smile.”

It is in my sole power, as a flawed human, to make God smile. That’s empowering. Stay on the Path. Be the fullest expression of who you can be. Maybe God will notice, maybe God would smile. I’m okay with that. Though, I do wonder, if I pleased God, will He call upon me sooner?

Until the next time, I remain,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

         Start your own Path:
You can try my Kata-Rx for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

– Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;

– Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);

– Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.


1. The traditional Act Of Contrition is:
“O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.

2. The poem in my “Days end” photo is an adaptation of the death poem of the Samurai Okabe Tadazumi (1144 – 1184) killed in battle (the poem found in his quiver) the original is: 

“Overtaken by darkness 

I will lodge under a tree 

Flowers alone host me.”


Sensei’s Journal Entry # 6: I Find An Umbrella

1 Mar

I’ve had some, oh shall we say, unusual experiences as a result of my exploration of Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of my Kata-Rx and medical cannabis). During last night’s Katannabis a strange but true story from eight years ago came to mind. There are very few people that know this unexplained tale. Now, you will join them

Eight years ago my father died. The day after his funeral I found an umbrella. Doesn’t sound strange? Doesn’t hint at the “other-worldly?” Ah, but wait.

The morning after Dad’s funeral I was at a park doing my Kata-Rx. After finishing, I took a short walk around the park. I walked towards a pavilion. Reaching the pavilion, I had a desire to do one more kata; Suparunpei Kata, a very spiritual kata. During the kata, something off in a distant corner caught my eye. I decided to check it out. It was an umbrella. Some one must have forgotten it from yesterday when it had rained. I decided to check it out. So I opened it and saw an insignia.

When I saw the insignia, an electric chill ran up from my fingers, upwards through my arm to fill my body. The insignia was the logo for St. Peter’s Prep, a school in Jersey City, New Jersey.

St. Peter’s Prep is not just any school. It was where my father, whom we buried yesterday, went to school.

This was on my mind when at the end of a rainy Sunday, the last day of February, 2021, I performed my daily Katannabis meditation.

        You can try my Kata-Rx for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Until the next time, I remain,

Sensei John Szmitkowsk


Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

  • Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;
  • Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);
  • Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;
  • Kata Laboratory where you can “Think – Sweat – Experiment” with your Kata & Sensei John’s innovative concepts.

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.


Sensei’s Journal Entry # 5: Snow Expectations, Snow Disappointments

22 Feb

Sunday night, always a tough one. Six days of work lay head. Katannabis mediation, the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx and medical cannabis, takes on a special import. The insights resulting from a profound Katannabis session help guide and transform me. Last night, and this morning was no different.

Yesterday after concluding Katannabis, I wanted to check the weather to see how many layers of clothing I needed to lay out for the morning. The forecast called for ninety percent chance of a mix of snow and rain starting around noon. Relaxed from Katannabis, I spent the rest of the night quietly reading and went to bed thinking that today would be an early day at work.

This morning I woke 5:45 like I usually do and began my morning routine (which includes a Kata-Rx session). As I was preparing to walk out the door I received a text message advising that we had the day off due to the anticipated bad weather. This was a surprise. I would have an unexpected day off to spend with my wife.

After a very rare morning Katannabis session, I reflected on a perceptual difference between today’s snow and a snow day from last week. Last Tuesday was a day that also called for late morning / early afternoon snow (with accumulations of six to eight inches). The difference was that last week we worked. With todays storm there was a more marked difference.

Last week the night before the snow storm I went to bed with the expectation of having the day off. When we had to go out and work in the storm I was disappointed and even angry. Today, having no such expectation, I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed the spontaneous “staycation.”

After posting this I’ll again perform my nightly Katannabis. I’ll use that session to not only deeply reflect on the idea that expectations are disappointments in disguise but also embrace the concept. I paid lip service to this simple concept. Now I must absorb it into my being. If I can make it become part of who I am, I will be improved. Kata-Rx and Katannabis do that for me. Both guides me to deeply explore – well, me. So, with a nod towards the recent weather here in northern New Jersey, I guess you can say, “sNOw expectations, sNOw disappointment.”

And by-the-way:
You can try my Kata-Rx for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Until the next time, I remain,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

– Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;

– Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);

– Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.

My quotes above are an adaptation of a quote by the author Anne Lamott: “Expectations are resentments waiting to happen.”

Sensei’s Kata-Rx Journal Entry # 4: A Valentine’s Day gift, A Book & A New Reality

15 Feb

The “Souvenir Effect” is one of the many phenomenon of Katannabis, the entheogenic meditation using Kata-Rx and medical cannabis. At its core, the souvenir effect is the ability to recall places you have visited to effect a positive physical and mental experience. For more I’ve included a video below from my online class on the topic.

This Valentine’s Day while engaged in Katannabis, I used the souvenir effect to explore a completely new, undiscovered experience. It all started a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for a Valentines’ Day gift for my wife. As I tend towards the unusual, I prefer gifts of the same sort. At the time I was reading Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. No spoilers here so I’m not going to delve into the book save to say it involves the main character’s exploration of other alternative universes and his desire to return to the one specific universe from whence he came.

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when I saw an ad for the perfect Valentines Day gift. Finally, I found it! It even captured our love of Frankenstein and his Bride.

What caught my eye was the last paragraph which leapt out at me from the pages of Dark Matter.

“. . . in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.”

My wife loved her gift. Valentines Day night it gave me an idea as I was engaged in Katannabis. I took the souvenir effect to a level I never thought possible – the exploration of other possible realities. I’ll write about that in greater detail in the future. For now I’ll mention the first reality I explored. During this Katannabis I imagined and explored an alternative reality where my wife and I live a simple life in a tropical, ocean side village. No pressures, no physical or mental challenges. Just simple living a life. Oh yeah, that will get me through the upcoming cold work week.

You may say, “Hey Sensei John, you’re not experiencing other realities, you’re just fantasizing.” You may be right. But. I do experience the physical and mental effects of my “fantasy.” I feel better, relaxed, more engaged, more alive. If reality is based upon those experiences then an alternative reality does in fact “exist.”

I’ve also realized that the reality I am living is the one I would fight to get back to. True in other realities life is easier, even one with the so-called “good-life.” But in others life is drastically more difficult. On balance, this is the reality I’d choose. So, here I am doing Katannabis on Valentine’s Day 2021.

And by-the-way:
In this reality you can try my Kata-Rx for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Until the next time, I remain,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;

Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);

Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.

My Zazen – Part Two: Hand Movements

8 Feb

There’s been growing interest in my daily Kata-Rx and Katannabis sessions in general and specifically post about my daily Zazen component. Many of you want to learn the supplemental hand movements I added to my Ghost Hand Kata. So, here it is.

First a three points to remember.

           You can learn my Ghost Hand Kata and my Kata-Rx for wellness and mindfulness for FREE by enrolling in my online school using this convenient, safe link: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation ,

        My Zazen involves, not only sitting in meditation, but also chanting and hand movements (the Ghost Hand Kata. You can read more about my zazen here: https://senseijohn.me/2021/01/18/senseis-kata-rx-journal-entry-2-my-daily-zazen/ ,

        The supplemental movements are performed immediately after the Ghost Hand Kata (single hand version).

With that said, here’s a video, filmed in the calm of a recent snow storm here in New Jersey, showing the supplemental movements. Please remember that zazen is seated meditation. for ease of viewing the video was filmed with me standing.

These movements are derived from the Suparunpei Kata (pronounced Supa – roon – pay). Suparunpei is an important, integral component of both my Kata-Rx program and my Katannabis ritual (the entheogenic combination of medical cannabis and my Kata-Rx). In the Suparunpei the movements is actually only performed on the right side. It is also performed in all four directions beginning with North, then South, West and East. This is important for spiritual reasons. For now, these reasons are beyond the ken of this article.

In Zazen the movements are performed in only one direction. However, they are performed both right sided and left sided. There is an additional twist to these movements. They are performed physically when part of my daily evening Katannabis ritual. However, they are only visualized in my daily morning Kata-Rx session. This is extremely important. While I would like to share the reason with you, I cannot do so at this time. Simply put, it is not for a novice to my ways and must be used cautiously.

I hope you enjoy the zazen component of my daily Kata-Rx and Katannabis. Again, you can get started on benefitting from both physically, mentally and spiritually for FREE: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Until the nest submission I remain,

Sensei John Szmitkowsk

        Follow Sensei John on Instagram. Simply follow “1day1lifetime” for daily updates on all of Sensei’s projects:

  • Kata-Rx for wellness & mindfullness;
  • Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx & medical cannabis);
  • Kata-Rx & Koan daily meditations;
  • Kata Laboratory where you can “Think – Sweat – Experiment” with your Kata & Sensei John’s innovative concepts.

Enjoy your Instagram experience with Sensei John.


Sensei’s Kata-Rx Journal Entry # 3: Depth Of Winter – Or, Is It Summer?

1 Feb

“In the depth of winter, I discovered within me lay an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

        That’s been my mantra all week. Working outdoors, my mood is susceptible to influence by the weather. This was one such week. Often bleak with very little sun, morning temperatures below freezing and high temperatures hardly above the weather bore down upon me.

The aches and pains of physical labor were amplified by the cold. Fatigue, increased by my body burning calories just to maintain a normal core temperature, weighed heavily.

My nightly Katannabis and morning Kata-Rx sessions didn’t just nurture me. It sustained me. It got more through. Now Sunday, the one day off, Katannabis and Kata-Rx instill a connectivity. This day of rest is connected to the next day of rest, six days away. Both are one and the same. Separated only by six brief interruptions of work. I’ll get through the next week because its already connect, past, present and future. That knowledge mitigates the dilatory physical, mental and emotional effects of winter and allows my internal summer to sustain itself.

      Life is one big continuum, each moment exists independently and co-mingled with its predecessor and successor. Winter is linked to and exists simultaneously with summer. It is all a simple matter of a state-of-being. Yeah, I know, sounds a bit “new-age.” I agree – but – after years of my Kata-Rx mediation and Katannabis ritual, I can tell you its not only true, but can be experienced!

Believe me or not, it makes no difference to me. I understand it, experience it and benefit from it. You can too, for FREE, safely and conveniently in the comfort of your own home by enrolling for FREE in my online class: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

From the Mushin-No-Shin mindset class

Until the next time – which incidentally exists right now, we just don’t know it, I remain,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Kata-RX In The Depth Of Winter

25 Jan

Donations are appreciated

If you enjoy the FREE posts, videos, or have tried my FREE Kata-RX course & have the ability to donate, please feel free to do so & help defray the costs of same. Thank-you & please try the FREE course.


=== Now, for this week’s installment, “Kata-RX In The Depth Of Winter Snow”

A primary advantage of my Kata-RX over other forms of moving meditation such as yoga or Tai-Chi is that ANYbody, ANYwhere and ANYtime can perform Kata-RX. I am living proof of this simple reality each and every day.

This weekend was no different. Snow was in the forecast for the first time this year. Though the storm produced less snow accumulations than predicted, by days end, I still had to go out and shovel. How to get ready to combat the winter?

Simple, time for a little pre-shovel kata in the snow! And, to increase the effects of my Kata-RX, I added a koan to contemplate during the kata. Adding a koan facilitates the ascendancy experience (See endnote # 1) https://senseijohn.me/2019/09/25/kata-koan-preview-sea-monsters-in-your-ocean/

My koan was a quote from Albert Camus:

“In the depth of winter,
I discovered that
Within me there lay
An invincible summer.”

 Here’s a preview video from that Kata-RX session, enjoy and click the link to learn Kata-RX For Wellness for FREE! https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation The video gives you a peak at the three easy but profound Kata-RX For Wellness you will learn: 

Ghost Hand Kata – to adjust visualization & perception;
Sanchin Kata – the three aspects of life (Breath – Body – Mind);
1 Day / 1 Lifetime Kata – ascendancy

See you in class, again its FREE https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Sensei John Szmitkowski


1. Kata-RX facilitates the ascendancy experience of meditation. The depth of attention ascending (from the least attentive at the bottom to the most attentive) will go something like this: (note: there are 2 types of ascendancy): 

Sensei’s Kata-Rx Journal Entry # 2: My Daily Zazen

18 Jan

Zazen, seated meditation, is an integral part of my daily Katannabis / Kata-Rx practice. I use two different forms of zazen each day.

The first is part of my evening Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx and medical cannabis, for more please use this link: https://senseijohn.me/2020/10/26/kata-rx-medical-cannabis-katannabis-2/ ).

During my evening zazen, I sit quietly in my darkened bedroom. I perform a “Sa-Ta-Na-Ma” chant (I’ll have an article on this in the near future). Then I perform a single hand Ghost Hand Kata while seated. This is followed by a series of movements from the Suparunpei Kata (I’ll video on this soon). I then close with a final “Sa-Ta-Na-Ma” chant.

The second zazen session I perform sitting on my motorcycle after I have arrived at work.

I do this session with eyes closed until the final chanting. I start with a “Sa-Ta-Na-Ma” chanting session. I then again, “perform” the ghost hand except that I do not physically do so. I sit still and perform the Ghost Hand Kata completely in my mind. I also perform the movements of Suparunpei Kata entirely in my mind. I then close with a “Sa-Ta-Na-Ma” chanting session.

So there’s my daily zazen which is an integral part of my daily Katannabis (evening) and Kata-Rx (morning). You can learn Kata-Rx for FREE in my online school using this secure link: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

See you in class,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Course # 1 in my Kata-RX For Wellness & Mindfulness is now FREE!
Use this link to join for FREE – https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Sensei’s Kata-Rx Journal Entry # 1: A Sensei Inspires . . .

11 Jan

“Goshin-Do Karate Black Belts can’t be killed. We only die when we are ready to die and not before.” Shihan Thomas DeFelice, January 3rd, 2021

2020 was a tough year. I don’t think anyone reading this would disagree. By New Years eve I couldn’t wait for it to end. The final straw that broke my mental state was the loss of my younger brother Rob on the day after Christmas. Bruised and battered, I had enough. I bordered on beaten.

Circa 1975, my brother Rob a purple belt standing next to me on the far right.

I had e-mailed my Sensei, Tom DeFelice, to let him know of Rob’s passing. He replied and asked how things were going. My response was that things were rough. I referenced an ethos within Sensei’s dojo – Anyone that earned the rank of black belt in our style would be physically, mentally and emotionally men of iron. This standard is reflected in the numbers. Sensei DeFelice taught thousands during four decades of operating his Dojo. Yet, only twenty-four persons ever earned black belt rank. The standards were that high. https://defeliceryu.com/yudansha-roster/

Iron can rust and crack. So too can men (of iron). I was rusted but not quite cracked.

Sensei replied to my e-mail. In addition to expressing his condolences, Sensei included the above quote. Now, obviously, Sensei was talking from a philosophical, psychological standpoint, not a physical fact. That quote was exactly what I needed to hear. It struck a cord to the point that I dedicated my daily Kata-Rx meditations to it. I meditated deeply attempting to discover each level of thought contained in that seemingly simple statement. To be sure, I continue my exploration of its riches.

It is said in the martial arts, “When a student is ready the teacher will appear.” What is not said is how a good, pure teacher knows not only when, but also how to reappear. Sensei’s profound words were exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks Sensei – With those words one of your Goshin-Do Karate black belt takes yet another step up the rocky mountain.

Submitted with gratitude,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

To learn my Kata-Rx For Wellness & Mindfulness for FREE please use this safe, convenient link – https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Welcome To My Kata-Rx Journal

4 Jan

The cartography of the inner soul is nothing to be afraid of.” – Casey Hardison

I wonder often, “How to spread the word about both my Kata-Rx and Katannabis without seeming like a cheesy ad-man?” Unable to come to a decision, I held off promoting my online school on social media platforms and the like. Now, after a deep reflective Kata-Rx / Katannabis session, I’ve found an answer.

Its time to pull back the curtain. The only way I can tell you about the benefits of my programs to to bring you right into my world. I practice both Kata-Rx and Katannabis daily. I do this because, well, life isn’t easy. Without my daily ritual I would say its unbearable at times. So to this end I’ll be launching a journal of my trials, tribulations and how Kata-Rx and Katannabis get me through. It may, at times, be dark, but it will be real.

   You can learn Kata-Rx For Wellness & Mindfulness for FREE! Use this safe, convenient link to my online school https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation . Learn at your convenience, at your own pace in your home.

   For more on Katannabis (the entheogenic combination of Kata-Rx and medical cannabis, for more please use this link: https://senseijohn.me/2020/10/26/kata-rx-medical-cannabis-katannabis-2/

Here’s a preview of my Kata-Rx filmed in Provincetown, MA 

My best,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

2021 – The Mind Of The White Belt

28 Dec

Its been one helluva 2020. That’s soon to be the past. 2021, what will it bring? I’m not sure but I know that I’ll approach 2021 with the mind of a white belt. 

The concept of the mind of a white belt is derived from a Goshin-Do Karate percept, “Observe with the mind of a white belt.” The while belt, worn by novice students, is said to symbolize purity and innocence in terms of preconceptions as to Karate. When a Karate-Ka (student of Karate) first enters the Dojo, the neophyte observes without preconceived thought or emotion. Thus, one observes every detail, even the most minute, with the pure eyes of a child. In doing so, one is able to capture the inner most aspect of a Karate-Do technique and incorporate it into one’s personal repertoire.

Prior to the advent of modern colored belts, a Karate-Ka would wear the same belt (a white belt) during his entire training. Although the Karate uniform would be laundered  regularly, as a sign of respect, the Karate-Ka would not wash his belt. Over time, the white belt would become soiled. The belt would even be used to wipe the sweat from one’s brow after training. Thus, the belt would become discolored, eventually turning black from use, wear and tear. This is the humble birth of the all too coveted black belt.

To cast off 2020 and welcome the unknown of 2021, we need to shed our internal black belt. Our preconceptions, emotions and perhaps even thoughts have become “soiled” over time. In the first millisecond of 2021, we should commit to don the belt of a novice and view the minutest details of the unfolding year with a pure and innocent heart and spirit. Let’s all become the exalted white belt.

   To help you achieve the mind of a white belt, you can join for FREE online Kata-Rx For Wellness course. Again, its FREE, safe convenient, learn to your own pace in the privacy of your own home using this link: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

You can read the many articles in my Kata-Rx For Wellness Blog here:  https://senseijohn.me/category/kata-rx-for-wellness-mindfulness/

See you in class,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Perfect Christmas Gift – Kata-RX Online Classes For FREE!

14 Dec
sphynix kata

Donations Welcome

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5.00 $

Kata-RX For Wellness makes the perfect Christmas Gift! ANYone, ANYwhere, ANYtime can use Kata-RX for physical wellness and mental well-being and mindfulness. Since the first course is free, why not also treat yourself?

First, Wow, Course # 1 in my Kata-RX For Wellness & Mindfulness is now FREE! Use this link to join for FREE – https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Second, you can enhance your Kata-RX For Wellness & Mindfulness with the next, more advanced course. This course is only $ 55 (or a two payment option of $ 30. each). Either way, there’s a full refund in thirty days if not completely satisfied!

Third, there is nothing else to but! I designed Kata-RX for wellness and mindfulness not as a “brand”, “marketing scheme” or “merchandising opportunity.” All you need is within you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Fourth, its EASY. You need not be athletic. You can even perform Kata-RX while sitting or in bed!

Fifth, it takes very little of your precious time!

Literally, there is NO EXCUSE to not try Kata-RX for wellness and mindfulness this Holiday Season!

Checkout the video below and see for yourself. CAUTION – once you see the video you will realize you have NO EXCUSE to not try Kata-RX for wellness and mindfulness.

See you in class, start for FREE
Use this link to join for FREE – https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

Sensei John Szmitkowski